The main reason for the increase in measles outbreaks and other viral and bacterial diseases in Europe has been the result of the opposition to vaccination.

In 2007 chaos broke out in some offices of the Government of Chile. An ISA outbreak (infectious salmon anaemia) was detected in the fish farms of the Chiloé Archipelago and


En el marc de la teoria general de la relativitat, Einstein va postular l’existència de les ones gravitacionals, encara que pensava que mai es podrien detectar.
Kepler 62f

When I was a kid, I was told that stars were faraway suns, and I asked myself if all of them had planets around. For many years I was convinced

Hurry up calmly

[caption id="attachment_18596" align="alignleft" width="320"] 2007 commemorative stamp with the face of the physiologist and physician Hans Selye, on the occasion of  the one hundred anniversary of his birth. / Mètode[/caption] It's


Els piroclasts són fragments sòlids de roques volcàniques expulsats per la columna eruptiva. Els més lleugers poden arribar a milers de metres d’altura.

Review of the latest contributions to embodied cognition theories that provide a new approach to human cognition.

The specializations in human brain anatomy that are responsible for our unique behavioral and cognitive traits evolved over a very short period of evolutionary time.

Comparing the role FOXP2 plays in humans and other animals is starting to reveal common principles that may have provided building blocks for language evolution.

The brain of modern humans is the result of the evolution of a building plan (Bauplan) that began its design 500 hundred millions years ago. This evolutionary scenario provides the basis for studies that seek to understand what is «conserved» and what is «new» between different vertebrates.


Evo-devo biology involves cross-species comparisons of entire developmental trajectories, not just of adult forms. This approach has proven very successful in general morphology, but its application to neurobiological problems is still relatively new.

Understanding the brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges, and a fundamental aspiration of human beings. Why is this organ, made of a little over a kilogram of fatty

Carlo Rovelli

What is the link between Zeno’s paradoxes and loop quantum gravity? Carlo Rovelli, one of the leading figures in present day science, tells us the answer. This theoretical physicist, who


La recerca ha de poder discriminar els veritables efectes dels tractaments d’aquells atribuïbles a la natura mateixa o a l’efecte placebo.
Jocelyn Bell

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the summer of 1967, the then PhD student Jocelyn Bell was analysing the records of a new radio telescope at the University of Cambridge when she detected some unusual

Stevia, sweet panacea?

Sweet is more than a flavour. It is a world of nuances and aromas, a range of sensations and experiences linked to the pleasures of the table. «Sweeter than honey», that is what the poets sang in passionate verses, knowing that there was no better delight than sweetness on your lips.
Make the University visible

[caption id="attachment_47319" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo: TAU. Audiovisual Workshop of the University of Valencia[/caption] One of the most essential goals of the University of Valencia is promoting prestigious research with international impact to


En la alameda un manantial recita su canto entre las hierbas. Y el caracol, pacífico burgués de la vereda, ignorado y humilde, el paisaje contempla. (Federico García Lorca, Los encuentros de un caracol aventurero, 1918) Snails are unique and


The secret of milk is that it is actually a very complex food, a living thing, which can be measured at micro- and nano- scale.

When we keep and sow seeds of those plants we are more satisfied with, we are improving cultivation while pushing for our interests, as our ancestors used to do.

Recently, a star with a very unromantic name, KIC 8462852, became a trend in some social networks. It is a very common star, located in our galactic neighborhood, some 1,500


Apart from a keystone ingredient to a healthy gut, microbiota also seem to communicate with our brains.

The human body is a cultural construct, the convergence point of all kinds of cultural elements: scientific, artistic, and religious. If classical natural philosophies identified the body with the cosmos


Migrating time after time, we reached every corner of the world. Slowly at first. Then, with the invention of boats, quite fast. Today, thanks to motorised vehicles, at great speed. We are the most migratory species in the world.