David Sucunza Sáenz

Tenure-track professor at the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain).

mauve acetate bottles

The dye industry was the first far-reaching business sector to be born directly from a scientific discovery. A circumstance that would prove key to making developed nations aware of the implications and start stimulating research.

The active ingredient of curare, a poison used by the Amazon tribes, became for years a vital drug in surgery and to treat illnesses that involved muscle pains and contractions.

Described as marine and animal, sweet and dense, musky and earthy, the ambergris’ scent has captivated humans for generations.

L'única manera d'explicar l'estrany cas del guaiac és recórrer a la campanya de publicitat que va promoure la família Fugger per a fomentar-ne l'ús.

Thus was born the Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company (LEMCO), whose product was immediately successful due to its excellent flavour and affordable price, low enough for the emerging European middle class.