Carl Faust Foundation

This country has never lacked patrons of arts and humanities. They have not been very numerous, but there have been some of them, but, what about patrons of science? How

Michel Maffesoli

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Michel Maffesoli (Graissessac, France - 1944) leaves no one indifferent. Accustomed to stirring up controversy in his country, the sociologist of postmodernity known for spreading the concept of «urban tribes»

Plots from CypFire project affected by the wildfire in Andilla

The data collected by the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) in five countries in the South-European Mediterranean area (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece) show that more than a

Wildfire in Andilla (La Serranía)

The end of 2012 knocks at our door and, according to provisional data from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, we leave behind almost 200,000 hectares destroyed by fire

Arantxa Cebrián, predoctoral researcher; Vicente Herranz, Cibernet postdoctoral researcher; José Manuel García Verdugo, Professor of Cell Biology; and Sara Gil-Perotín, postdoctoral researcher of the Río Hortega programme.

José Manuel García Verdugo is Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Valencia and has already been researching the enigmatic world of neurons for more than thirty years. However,


The specialization of journalists in the context of economic crisis and the business model of newspapers brought about with the advent of the Internet, the complex language of science and


[caption id="attachment_9962" align="alignleft" width="200"] Anna Sanchis[/caption] The Valencian newspapers Levante —El Mercantil Valenciano, has always paid close attention to science. In a shy way, of course, and maybe even insufficiently, but


The beginning of science is uncertainty. Many people, however, including scientists, look in science for a system of certainties thus fleeing the unrest that comes hand in hand with questions

Anna Veiga

The following text is a summary of the full text available in Spanish and Catalan. Anna Veiga is well known for her pioneer work in the field of in vitro fertilisation

Students of the University of Valencia

The position held by women in scientific fields has greatly improved in recent years, above all in the last decade with the adoption of gender equality policies. However, although there are ever increasing numbers of women in academia, there is clearly still some way to go.
Guido Reni. Charity, ca. 1630

ABSTRACT Scientific and, particularly, medical discourses have played a key role in the creation and dissemination of the standard model of motherhood envisaged as a vocation in itself, an exclusive task,

Pregnant mother

Social and cultural anthropology has studied reproduction from numerous viewpoints.
Susan Hiller. From the Freud Museum, 1991-1996.

ABSTRACT A scientific career is often like an obstacle course, but for women there are additional problems and specific mechanisms of exclusion. This article shows us the strategies used to overcome

Women at a pharmaceutical laboratory

This article is a personal reflection about the context and determining aspects that have caused the exclusion of women from the scientific sphere, from the viewpoint of cultural history.


The traditional exclusion of women from the public sphere, from education, politics, art and culture, as well as women's confinement to the domestic realm, have –little by little– undergone steady

Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño

We thought it would be interesting to invite Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño to this interview to discuss the origins of festivals, their links with seasonal cycles, even the biological background that may exist in many facets of festivals. This reunion of the «mentor» and the «disciple» is also cause for celebration.


[The following text is only a summary of the full interview published in Spanish and Catalan] Niles Eldredge works for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He is


© Valentín Rodríguez As a part of the monograph recently published by Mètode (only available in Catalan), we can find an extensive article on


Once, to kick off a heated press conference, Henry Kissinger apparently said «I hope that you have the right questions to my answers». Perhaps the sentence


For this collaboration in the fall issue, we want to propose an activity to provide us with materials for the handicrafts made at


Picking unripe tomatoes may be good for producers, but poses a problem for consumers.

Especially during winter, the beauty of the artichoke plant, with great clear leaves, brightens and lightens up the garden. If we have enough


Mètode In other issues we discussed the possibility (or impossibility) of travelling faster than the speed of light. We saw that hyperdrive transport, by


Cortesia de Harvard College Observatory Harvard's «computers» in 1891. Williamina Fleming is standing in the centre of the image and Edward Pickering is on the left. Nowadays