Jane Godall

This monograph provides new points of view on the role of stories in shaping scientific thought, and on the way in which this resource communicates science.
Loeske Kruuk

Loeske Kruuk's studies have promoted the analysis of quantitative genetics in natural populations and its use to test the foundations of evolutionary theory.

The violent crimes committed by ordinary people are, in most cases, the result of the so-called affective aggression.
Imatge promocional d'Oppenheimer, de Cristopher Nolan.

In this review of the film Oppenheimer, PhD in Law Clara Portela criticises the victimising vision of Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan's biopic, released in July 2023.

Habitat loss and degradation is one of the main threats to primates. When protecting the environment, the cultural diversity of the population groups living in protected areas cannot be ignored, because the survival of biodiversity depends on the attitudes of these communities.

When did cumulative culture evolve in our lineage? This paper discusses how the field of experimental primate archaeology has contributed to this question by describing several stone-tool experiments conducted with great apes.

What are the hunting roles in chimpanzees? The available evidence suggests that they are capable of coordination between individuals, but it is unclear whether they can also share a common strategy.
Un mico caputxí esplugant-ne un altre

Primates usually live in groups. Sociality provides primates with benefits like support and learning opportunities that ultimately increase their fitness.
Il·lustracions de primats de Jordi Sabater Pi

The order Primates includes more than three hundred species, among which are us, human beings. Perhaps that is why we are so fascinated by their study.
la maniobra d’aerofrenat a l’atmosfera marciana, duta a terme per l’ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter l’octubre del 2016.

Jerónimo Muñoz, a 16th-century Valencian astronomer, made important observations of the supernova that exploded in 1572, as well as eclipses, stars, and extremely precise maps.

Il·lustració: Moisés Mahiques

For the author, the study of sex is much broader and more interesting than we imagine, from the endocrine and physiological side, but also from psychology and sociology.
Frederick Leung

Frederick Leung, Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Hong Kong, investigates how socio-cultural circumstances affect mathematical ability.
focus verd

Some phasmids can change colour or imitate the characteristic swaying of branches and leaves in the wind.
Dr. Hans Beutelspacher

Dr. Hans Beutelspacher toyed with monstrous behaviour during World War II, before returning just as effortlessly to his «human» and even benevolent state, later developing a prominent career in the field of soil biochemistry.

Tomàs Marqués Bonet

Tomàs Marquès Bonet is a biologist and directs the Comparative Genomics Group at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), mainly dedicated to analysing and comparing the genome of primates in order to try to better understand the human genome.

Absinthe is a distillate of different herbs, most notably Artemisia absinthium (wormwood), which contains several highly toxic molecules and some with hallucinogenic effects.

The discovery of the double helix was the work of four people, and Rosalind Franklin's contribution is on a par with that of Wilkins, Watson, and Crick.

In various species of animals, females exhibit marked preferences for individuals with relatively rare ornaments.

Are borders established because of differences or are differences the result of borders? The author ponders on this question.
Xiquetes flotant a l'espai

Dare to take on the new challenge proposed by Chantal Ferrer for «Free fall», related to gravity and our perception of weight.
Missió DART

Discovering an Earth-bound object is not the same as avoiding it. For the latter, early detection is crucial. The author considers that we can have an effective space defence system.
Ull mirant fixament

Eye contact can be used to establish and strengthen emotional bonds, but depending on the socio-cultural context, looking directly into another person's eyes can be very intimidating.
Reconstrucció del sauròpode Turiasaurus riodevensis

Spain is representative for the use of dinosaurs as a tool for territorial development in rural areas, which promotes the presence of specialists, museums, geoparks, etc.
Excavació del dinosaure sauròpode Spinophorosaurus nigerensis el 2007 a les proximitats d’Agadez (Níger).

Over the past 20 years, the study of fossils using 3D visualisation techniques, better known as virtual palaeontology, has revolutionised the study of organisms from the past