Make the University visible

[caption id="attachment_47319" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo: TAU. Audiovisual Workshop of the University of Valencia[/caption] One of the most essential goals of the University of Valencia is promoting prestigious research with international impact to


En la alameda un manantial recita su canto entre las hierbas. Y el caracol, pacífico burgués de la vereda, ignorado y humilde, el paisaje contempla. (Federico García Lorca, Los encuentros de un caracol aventurero, 1918) Snails are unique and


The secret of milk is that it is actually a very complex food, a living thing, which can be measured at micro- and nano- scale.

When we keep and sow seeds of those plants we are more satisfied with, we are improving cultivation while pushing for our interests, as our ancestors used to do.

Recently, a star with a very unromantic name, KIC 8462852, became a trend in some social networks. It is a very common star, located in our galactic neighborhood, some 1,500


Apart from a keystone ingredient to a healthy gut, microbiota also seem to communicate with our brains.

The human body is a cultural construct, the convergence point of all kinds of cultural elements: scientific, artistic, and religious. If classical natural philosophies identified the body with the cosmos


Migrating time after time, we reached every corner of the world. Slowly at first. Then, with the invention of boats, quite fast. Today, thanks to motorised vehicles, at great speed. We are the most migratory species in the world.
health communication

Conventionally, social researchers analyse media messages by reading text and coding it. This is time consuming and restricts many studies to small samples. Nowadays very large amounts of text are

Intagram, health and social media

Communication is key in the field of health. Including communication tools such as Instagram in youth health fieldwork poses a number of challenges, but also has the potential for social health research.
tobacco and health

The present article reviews the role of the media in the dissemination of tobacco-related information and the evolution in tobacco control policies that the approach has caused.
vaccine influenza A - health crises

Reviewing public communications emitted during health crises in the last thirty years is useful for verifying that there are a number of repeated mistakes: for example, untrained spokespeople with poor

rare diseases

Rare diseases (RDs) are those that affect fewer than five people in every 10,000. There are around 7,000 RDs, they are difficult to diagnose and very few have a treatment.

Drugs health - hyper-medicalised societies

We are becoming more vulnerable. The feeling of general uncertainty comes from the fact that we live through several crises at the same time. In a world dominated by consumerism


The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization reminds us that «Informed opinion and active cooperation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in


Good communication is fundamental in the promotion and maintenance of individual and collective health. Despite the vast amount of information we can currently access, misconceptions still persist in fundamental topics


L'única manera d'explicar l'estrany cas del guaiac és recórrer a la campanya de publicitat que va promoure la família Fugger per a fomentar-ne l'ús.

We have created a globalized society, but it is not only human populations that are increasingly interconnected. The movement of invasive species and disease vectors along our expanding routes of

Drosophila subobscura

Documentary text on how chromosomal inversions in natural populations of the species Drosophila subobscura are good indicators of climate change and can help us to study how organisms adapt to it.

Valerie Jane Morris Goodall won the XXVII Premi Internacional Catalunya this year. It is a perfect occasion to summarise a very long story. In 1958, Jane Goodall travelled to Kenya


It is clear that there are not only five dwarf planets, but probably many more, possibly thousands.

What do you see in the picture accompanying this article? The answer will probably be: «two dalmatian dogs, sitting and looking at the front». But they are nothing but black spots over a white background.

The work of economists, which is so important, is ascribed to the field of human decisions. These are emotional and, therefore, irreducible to the scientific method.

Interview with John Sutherland, researcher at the Medical Research Council (United Kingdom).