En aquest article comentem la situació del càncer de mama en el món i al nostre país, així com els principals factors de risc.

ABSTRACT For teenagers, to be diagnosed with cancer comes as a real blow. In this article, we describe the most prevalent cancers in this age group, the elements of cancer control,


Només l'1% dels casos de càncer és hereditari, però s'han descrit més de 200 síndromes caracteritzades per l'agregació familiar de distints tipus de tumors.

El càncer és un dels problemes sanitaris més importants dels països occidentals, donada l'alta incidència i elevada mortalitat que té. En aquest article ens ocuparem dels factors externs capaços d'induir el desenvolupament d'un càncer: agents químics, físics i biològics.


Tothom té una idea més o menys clara del que representa un càncer: un conjunt de cèl·lules que es divideixen sense control. Darrere d’aquesta imatge simplista s’amaga un dels problemes de salut més complexos i més greus que existeixen.
The Thin Line

Diagnosis, treatment and even the very concept of cancer as a disease have changed significantly over time. From a single and incurable disease, it is now considered a disease in


Homenatge a Ramón Margalef, ecòleg i naturalista català, conegut per les seues contribucions a l'oceanografia, la limnologia i la teoria ecològica.

© A. AguilellaSalaria fluviatilis, freshwater blenny. Which fish are to be found in the Mediterranean rivers? A rich and diverse ichthyofauna has developed in our rivers with a great many


Architecture has been indebted to geometric surfaces since ancient times, as books of descriptive geometry are witness: “Any architectonic creation is Geometry”. However, such geometries have evolved from classical surfaces to those designed with the help of a new discipline: Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD). The author reviews pre-computer geometric design exemplified by the use of hyperbolic paraboloids (Gaudí and Candela), its origin in the automotive industry and how it has been used brilliantly by Gehry in the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao.

Between 1925 and 1975, the Sahara desert grew, especially southward, about 645,000 km2, and in some parts of Sudan, the southern boundary of the desert moved

The size of the genome and the complexity of living beings

The genome and the complexity of living beings. The genome of an organism is the whole DNA content of its cells, including genes and intergenic regions. In prokaryotes (Archaea and


Wine: culture and economy. Above all, wine is a food product, which, on gaining commercial importance, has also become a part of our economy. At the same time, wine also


The sense we have of the world is build up with four dimensions, three of them are spatial and one is temporal. In effect, our brains perceive, through our sensorium,

Carnivorous plants

With a mere mention to carnivorous plants, our imagination is roused. There are a huge number of shapes, corresponding to eleven families, eighteen genera and 671 species. Utricularia, Nepenther and

Potato field

The modest potato is a tuber of great nutritional value and it should be grown in our garden at least once in a while. Although we would need a big


«I am myself plus my circumstance, and if I do not save it, I cannot save myself», wrote Ortega y Gasset in Meditations on Quixote. Our most immediate biological «circumstance»

Teoria i opinió

In the vernacular, theory amounts to opinion. Everyone has theories. But in science, a theory is a verified body of knowledge.
Peter Higgs

To invent: find, discover, by dint of study or wit, something new or previously unknown. For my generation, the word inventor calls to mind bygone days, conjuring up images of

Peter Higgs

On the 4th of July 2012, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced the discovery of a new particle at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is immensely important


The surface of the Arctic Ocean melts at a growing pace; in fact, it may run out of ice during summers within a maximum period of twenty years. Despite the

Carl Faust Foundation

This country has never lacked patrons of arts and humanities. They have not been very numerous, but there have been some of them, but, what about patrons of science? How

Michel Maffesoli

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Michel Maffesoli (Graissessac, France - 1944) leaves no one indifferent. Accustomed to stirring up controversy in his country, the sociologist of postmodernity known for spreading the concept of «urban tribes»

Plots from CypFire project affected by the wildfire in Andilla

The data collected by the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) in five countries in the South-European Mediterranean area (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece) show that more than a

Wildfire in Andilla (La Serranía)

The end of 2012 knocks at our door and, according to provisional data from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, we leave behind almost 200,000 hectares destroyed by fire