The miasmas – a frightening name concealing a solid lack of knowledge – were supposed vapours carrying particles of «corrupted matter» that caused infectious diseases.
Three decades after the Chernobyl accident, the biodiversity of the area has completely recovered. The mechanisms that allow organisms to live in this area are still the subject of study and controversy.
The first object in the Kuiper belt visited by New Horizons after leaving Pluto was provisionally named Ultima Thule and has recently been renamed Arrokoth.
Studying evolution in the face of environmental uncertainty is crucial to understand biological diversity, because diversifying life strategies is key to survival and reproduction in uncertain environments.
Astrochemistry studies their abundance and composition and posits potential chemical pathways that might have led to the presence of such molecules in a particular environment
High vaccine coverage is encountering an unexpected obstacle. Recent evidence suggests that anti-vaccination attitudes and concerns are infecting some communities' health care workers.
What kind of sign is a rhinoceros footprint? It is an index, an iconic representation, and can become a symbolic image. A whole world condensed into a single footprint.
Poland would become the laboratory for an inhumane colonisation plan, the Generalplan Ost, which involved replacement of the non-Aryan population with Germanic farmers.
The concept of «blood and soil» as a historical determinant could be found in Termer’s work ten years before the Nazis used it as their state’s official ideology.
In a Germany with widespread and growing anti-Semitism, and later with the rise of Nazism, Albert Einstein’s physics faced hostility and was attacked on racial grounds.