New volume of Mètode Science Studies Journal


Open call for papers on the crossroads between science and warfare. Deadline for submission: 11 April 2025.

Issue 123 explores the connections between science and National Socialism in a current context in which xenophobic and authoritarian discourse is re-emerging.

The storm have affected the natural areas of the province of Valencia, such as La Albufera, and have left them in a delicate situation.
Nou número de la revista Mètode sobre humanitats digitals

Issue 122 of Metode analyses the role of data science and artificial intelligence in the study and research of humanities.
Pilar Domingo Calap al laboratori

Pilar Domingo Calap combines her Ramón y Cajal research work at I2SysBio, where she leads the «Environmental and Biomedical Virology» group, with teaching at the University of Valencia in the Department of Genetics.
María Piles

We kick off the second season of the series «Science Spaces» with María Piles, professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of Valencia, currently working on the CIMR project.
Francesc Mesquita

Francesc Mesquita works at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, where he carries out research on aquatic invertebrates as indicators of water quality and evolutionary aspects.
Pas García

Full Professor of Physics Pas García takes a gendered approach to her field, which involves the diffraction and polarisation of light. She points out that women in physics represent only around 20–22% of researchers.


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