An analysis of 35 years of thermal images from the Mediterranean basin, which is especially vulnerable to global warming.

Urban waste generates pollution that cannot be seen with the naked eye but has negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems, which are particularly vulnerable to it.

Thermal expansion of the ocean and mass loss from glaciers and ice sheets will continue to be the main contributors to the sea level rise.

The footprint of human activities on the planet is so profound that many scientists are already suggesting that we have entered a new geological era, the Anthropocene.

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the creative use of metaphors, which is particularly relevant in the case of cartoonists.
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A phenomenon of exceptional importance such as global change and its multiple effects has been discussed in several Mètode monographs. In recent years, public concern about what we already perceive


As the debate on vaccines grows, people with doubts will dissipate them and take a stand for or against them.

Mars shining brightly in the eastern sky shortly after sunset. This coppery dot is a world of mountains, ravines, and frozen poles that millennia ago was home to seas and


[caption id="attachment_111125" align="alignleft" width="250"] Charles Darwin's barnacle and David Bowie's spider. How scientific names celebrate adventurers, heroes, and even a few scoundrels. Stephen B. Heard. Yale University Press. New Haven,

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Essentially there is no supplement that can prevent the coronavirus, but many patients who have suffered from the coronavirus have vitamin D deficiency.

The virus has spread again in the different populations because we have lowered our protective measures, when we should have maintained them for a much longer period.
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On 9 November, Pfizer announced in a press release that their COVID-19 vaccine candidate shows 90 % efficacy. We analyse the situation with the voice of several experts.

The Nobel Prize for Chemistry has awarded Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna for the development of CRISPR-Cas9 genetic editing tools. Lluís Montoliu analyses the journey to this award.

Vaccine development takes a long time, often more than fifteen years. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has accelerated the process in record time. This race has only just begun and there is much to be learned in the near future.
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The Swedish Academy has awarded Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez the Nobel Prize in Physics. What is behind this shared award? When did the debate on black holes start? An analysis by Manel Perucho.


Fernando Ballesteros discusses the discovery of phosphine on Venus and other historical hypotheses regarding signs of life on other planets.
Cartografia de la COVID-19

Through several maps, the text shows COVID-19's cartography and analyses the environmental factors that may have contributed to its spread.
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Miracle diets can produce health issues due to rapid weight loss, excessive energy restrictions, and the exclusion of certain foods or nutrients from the diet.
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Foods that are rich in fats and sugars are pleasurable because they stimulate our reward circuits, the same circuits that are activated by drugs. In a context in which unhealthy diets and drug abuse are common from adolescence, it is important to investigate their consequences.
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For guidelines to be useful, they must consider cultural, anthropological, educational, social, and economic factors, as well as the usual diet of the target society.
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There is a widespread misconception, mainly due to perverse agnogenic practices, that nutrition is hard and confusing, that we do not really know what to eat and that health professionals cannot agree.

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Nutritional epidemiology currently studies the diet-disease relationships. In this review, we analyse the impact of diet on health and the importance of dietary factors in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

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Can the application of neuroscience to education be studied while maintaining every aspect of the scientific method used in neuroscience? Or, even more simply, can neuroscience be applied to education?


This is undoubtedly an encouraging stage for evolutionary biology. Palaeoproteomics has the potential to explore time intervals that were completely inaccessible until now.