Charles Darwin has become the icon of modern biology, and the celebrations held in 2009 contributed to a growth of this perception in public opinion. This article is a review of Darwin as a symbol of modern biology through cartoons and graphic humour.
Josep Jacas, full professor of Plant Production at Jaume I University remains while the devouring action of the red palm weevil. The researcher, who has spent years studying this pest
We talked with the «guardian» of the Botanic Garden of the University of Valencia about the red palm weevil. The arboriculture technician José Plumed has been a pioneer in the
[caption id="attachment_8297" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo: Miguel Lorenzo[/caption] The Mediterranean is surrounded by three continents, Europe in the North, Africa in the South and Asia in the East. A common space identified
© José Plumed For nearly a decade, some Mediterranean countries have had to face an environmental problem that increasingly seems more difficult to control
Eugènia Balcells opened the Laboratori d'Arts Santa Mònica (Arts Santa Monica Laboratory) on the 23rd of September 2009. The exhibition project "Frequencies"metabolised for the first time
At the other end of the mountain range of Irta, about five km away from Peñíscola, the Almadum tower, from 1554 (Peñíscola, Baix Maestrat). El Gerro
[caption id="attachment_7836" align="alignleft" width="200"] © NASA[/caption] The British writer J.G. Ballard claimed that in order to be able to write a fiction novel set in our modern world one had to
© Fernando Morant Vicent Martínez Sancho fou el primer físic que escrigué una obra sobre física en català. Vicent Martínez Sancho (Simat de la Valldigna, 1943) has been teaching Physics at
Science and art are two forms of knowledge. Comparing one with the other is interesting both because of their similarities and their differences. Understanding is looking for what is common among
They say that, when the last Venera probe was launched with destination to Venus, two Spanish engineers of the National Institute for Aeroespace Technology were visiting the Bakionur Cosmodrome. One
Red Eléctrica de España Power lines mark the landscape and thus rouse public objection. Electricity plays a leading role in the 21st century. The ability to generate electricity using renewable and CO2-free
Spanish Solar Thermal Electric Industry Association Solar thermal power stations capture heat, not light, using parabolic mirrors to heat a fluid in a tube or by flat mirrors that heat a
Throughout the seventeenth century, public exhibitions of natural phenomena caused or discovered by scientists began to have a major social impact. Prints and paintings of that period show the public
IREC The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya, IREC) was set up in 2008. The centre is an example of a strong commitment to research
LM Windpower The huge turbine Haliade 150 generates 6 megawatts of power and measures 150 meters in diameter. These types of wind turbines are geared exclusively for marine use, where large
Improved efficiency in the building sector is essential to reduce energy consumption. In the EU, construction represents 40% of final energy consumption.1 In Spain2, each household consumes an average of
© BP Offshore platforms demonstrate the level of sophistication achieved by this kind of mining, as well as the difficulties faced due to the progressive depletion of deposits within easy reach.
Energy price fluxes have an impact on inflation and on economic activity as a whole, which affects the country’s competitive position. The extent of this impact
Many people believe that the contribution renewable energy sources make to the generation of electricity as a whole is little more than anecdotal. Truth be known,