Dr. Hans Beutelspacher

Dr. Hans Beutelspacher toyed with monstrous behaviour during World War II, before returning just as effortlessly to his «human» and even benevolent state, later developing a prominent career in the field of soil biochemistry.

'Punica granatum' en fruit

Suzanne Davit introduced numerous innovations in botanical illustration, which were interpreted as an alternative artistic discourse to the dominant patriarchal dialogue and a manifestation of the female touch.
Martín de Cervera. Lliçó de teologia a la Universitat de Salamanca, amb alumnes de diversos ordes religiosos, 1614. Oli, portes de l’armari del depòsit de manuscrits de la Biblioteca Universitària.

The article defends the idea that theology should disappear from university programmes. It cannot be a science because it is based on faith and authority.

Apart from the double helix, DNA can present other structures such as G-quadruplexes, whose study has boomed in recent years.
Citizen science

The idea of citizen science brings with it tensions about the social nature of scientific truth.

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the creative use of metaphors, which is particularly relevant in the case of cartoonists.
big data Microbiome selfie

A heated debate exists on the subject of Big Data. What can be expected and what not from them? Do data speak for themselves?
Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein

It is currently widely believed that Einstein’s first wife, Mileva Marić, made significant contributions to his scientific work. But, is there good evidence that Mileva Marić was Einstein’s secret collaborator?

National Socialism came to power by following the electoral strategy of a popular party, but with the support of extremely well-educated militant elites.


The following reflections are based on the premise that individual and social life is open to a number of possibilities, among which we can find digitalisation.

In this text we examine the degree of acceptance of these beliefs in high-school science teachers-in-training, among which significant levels of acceptance of pseudoscience have been detected.

La evolución

Human palaeontology in Spain has experienced extraordinary growth in recent decades. In this work we investigate the influence that the book La evolución (1966) and its editors, Miquel Crusafont, Bermudo Meléndez, and Emiliano Aguirre, exerted on this explosion.


The life and work of the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt continues to fascinate, even today. His figure concentrates and synthesises the movements, ideas, and even the great contradictions of the time of profound change that was nineteenth-century Europe.

How do decision-making processes affect brain activity? What role do emotions play on finances?

The general model for evaluating scientific production fits into the accountability system: a way of measuring scientific output which does not usually acknowledge the presence of gender imbalances in academic

Drosophila subobscura

Documentary text on how chromosomal inversions in natural populations of the species Drosophila subobscura are good indicators of climate change and can help us to study how organisms adapt to it.

The expected effects of global environmental change over the coming decades may worsen the situation for many currently endangered Valencian plants, even leading to the localised extinction of some species


La controvèrsia sobre els cultius transgènics sorgida als anys noranta s’ha reduït considerablement i decau fins a quasi silenciar-se a la premsa digital espanyola.

ABSTRACT Ethnobotany, a discipline located at the intersection between natural science and social science, is sometimes misunderstood by researchers from one or other of these fields. In this article we discuss


Becoming informed about the relevant scientific findings can help us make the most plausible interpretation of what philosophers have said, for example, ruling out literal readings.

Identifying markers of psychobiological predisposition to violence opens the door to prevention and intervention in the field of male violence against women. Currently, we have no effective drugs to treat abusers of women, but the development of psychotherapeutic intervention programmes and neuropsychological rehabilitation mark a promising path.

Popular science finds itself in a new scenario where a shortage of information has been replaced by abundant and often freely available knowledge sources. Although often produced by amateurs, such information may be of a similar or even better quality than that produced professionally. Consequently, there is greater collaboration between professionals and amateurs, making it more difficult to distinguish between them. 
circulació oceànica

El paper dels oceans com a reguladors del clima és extraordinari, realment condicionen el present i el futur del planeta.
genoma neandertal

Human uniqueness Most cosmological views on human origins portray these as being divine, beyond the natural world. This has partly been influenced by our obvious uniqueness. Because, of all past human

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