Natural enemies are a fundamental piece of food webs and can contribute to biodiversity preservation. However, they can often produce dramatic losses, especially when humans are involved.


Species richness is not homogeneous in space and it normally presents differences when comparing among different sites. These differences often respond to gradients in one or several factors which create biodiversity patterns in space and are scale-dependent.

Between the mid-1980s and the present day, conservation biology split into two almost independent fields: management ecology and conservation ecology. We have witnessed the recovery of large endangered species and a decrease in small and common species.
marine biodiversity

Biodiversity has been changing both in space and time. But, luckily, we have remains of ancient organisms, called fossils. These are basically the only direct records of past biodiversity.

Due to the extreme environmental conditions of the Antarctic continental shelf – its distance from other continents, depth, and the weight of the continental ice – it offers us a great opportunity to better understand how a pristine ecosystem would normally be.


The concept of biological diversity has evolved from a simple count of species to more sophisticated measures that are sensitive to relative abundances and even to evolutionary divergence times between species. In the course of this evolution, diversity measures have often been borrowed from other disciplines.

In modern ecology, the traditional diversity indices (usually of richness, abundance, and species evenness) have been highly revealing and useful for monitoring community and ecosystem processes.

Els éssers humans ja fa temps que som conscients de ser una espècie amb gran poder per modificar el món natural. I tant que ho hem fet. Però només fa unes dècades que la societat, amb veu ferma, es revolta contra la desfeta duta a terme.

We talk to the expert sociobiologist awarded with the Crafoord Prize in Biosciences

Artisan ice cream production is the result of the balanced contribution of many fields of science and requires in-depth knowledge in food science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, or nutrition.

Massimiano Bucchi is a professor of Sociology of Science at the University of Trento (Italy), and the current editor of the Public Understanding of Science (PUS) journal. His academic career represents the best exponent of contemporary trends in the field of science communication research.

Biology has been and still is used to justify discriminatory practices against groups of people, but reality is always more passionately complex than the dualistic human logic is willing to accept.

Can we communicate science rigorously and still make an eager audience have a good time? The answer can be found in museums and botanical gardens, the places from where we try to spread the word in a fun and entertaining way.
Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson was born on 26 August 1918 and was the first woman of NASA's Research Division to be credited as the author of a report.

One of the current hotspots in astrobiology is the search for water in exoplanets. We all seem to share the idea that water is essential for the existence of life, and even the assumption that water and life are almost synonymous.
Solar orbiter

The ESA Solar Orbiter will be launched into space in 2020 and it will get very close to our star.
efecte CSI

Forensic genetics brings together all the genetic knowledge required to solve specific legal problems. In recent decades new techniques have shown the potential of DNA as a profiling system.

Comunicación en investigación con animales

The lack of information from institutions and organisations regarding the use of animals in scientific research produces a specialised communication niche which non-scientific groups have exploited to make public opinion sympathetic to them.
analogical knowledge

During a period dominated by positivist thinking, metaphors seemed incompatible with science, at least for the most common manifestations of scientific discourse.
biotecnologia i comunicació

Biotechnological research has made significant progress; however, some of its results are controversial because of their health and environmental risks, and these limit their application because of the precautionary measures applied to them.

The latest biotechnology applications allow for faster and cheaper gene editing than ever before. Many people are calling for a public debate on these issues, including the social, cultural and ethical implications of these applications.
Las herramientas de edición genética CRISPR

Communication is essential in all areas of society, but communication in science is inescapable. Communicating means sharing, showing, teaching, and transferring knowledge both to colleagues and to society in general.


The communication of biotechnology has played a key role in recent years. The great advances made and the speed with which new genetic editing techniques are implemented raise enormous expectations but also concerns.
Richard Feynman

Richard Phillips Feynman (1918–1988) was certainly a curious character, as he himself remarked in the subtitle of his anecdotal books (Feynman, 1985; Feynman, 1988). Not only was he one of the most brilliant and original physicists of the twentieth century, one of the few scientists who opened up new and broad avenues in his discipline.