Fotograma de Tenet

Could there be a universe where the laws of physics were different and there was no second law of thermodynamics? Christopher Nolan's film Tenet (2020) explores this new reality.
grups sanguinis

We share blood groups A, B and O with other hominids, but only blood groups A and O with chimpanzees and group B with gorillas.

Humans are born rather undeveloped, compared to other species, which favours a better understanding of language and behaviour in society.
The Horse in Motion

Despite being intended mainly for artistic purposes or for personal use (portraits and travel diaries, etc.), photography soon became a valuable ally of science.
'Punica granatum' en fruit

Suzanne Davit introduced numerous innovations in botanical illustration, which were interpreted as an alternative artistic discourse to the dominant patriarchal dialogue and a manifestation of the female touch.

Interview with Cristina Mittermeier, conservation biologist and photographer. She shares her projects, which combine both of her professional interests.

Astrophography is a powerful tool for both amateurs and professionals to study the universe.

Photography has established itself as a key tool in astronomical research and is fundamental to a better understanding of the universe.
fotografia i biodiversitat

Nowadays, the combination of photography and biodiversity is an important tool for scientific projects, especially in the field of conservation.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed them as «endangered». In particular, the West African subspecies – the one pictured here – is listed as «critically endangered».

Photography has positioned itself not only as an effective means of collecting data, but also as a tool for sharing scientific information, both inside and outside the academic world.

The search for certainty in a world that is often so binary – where choosing between two options seems to be the better (and simpler) alternative – gives meaning to

Peter Singer

An interview with philosopher and Professor of Bioethics Peter Singer, who talks about long-standing challenges in animal welfare and procreation ethics.
Pila de Volta

History of the relationship between electric currents and magnetic phenomena.
materia obscura

The so-called basic emotions offer a quick and essentially automatic response to certain situations in life. All of them have their own evolutionary function, for example, fear keeps us away from certain dangers, and anger alerts us to a threat.

Visó en una granja a Letònia

The outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza declared in October 2022 in an American mink farm in Galicia is concerning because of the level of transmission from animal to animal.


Nuclear fusion energy has great advantages. The latest discoveries in this field made by the National Ignition Facility in the United States have great scientific significance.

Joana d'Arc

For a long time, some scientists have believed that a person's physical attributes can provide information about their psychology or character.

The process that takes place when we cook on a barbecue is very similar to the one that occurs in our organism when we eat and digest food.

Andreas Wagner

We talk to evolutionary biologist Andreas Wagner, a reference in the study of evolutionary innovations.

Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei is a natural treasure capable of thrilling any nature lover. Located in Namibia’s Namib-Naukluft National Park, it is guarded by some of the largest dunes on the planet.

The correlations between art and nature have been independent of the contextualising filter of human cultural history and corresponding scientific developments.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the Arts & Crafts movement sought in nature and medieval legends the authenticity they considered lost.

Every species' mate choice is determined by what individuals consider beautiful. Beauty has a biological meaning shared by many species.