Introduction: Everything is chemistry

Learning to transform matter – whether by cooking food or turning minerals into materials for making tools – has been key to the development of human societies. Everything we are

Geoturisme a les illes Columbretes (Castelló). / Marc Boada

This article reflects on outdoor recreational science and its relationship with teaching, scientific dissemination, collecting, and geological tourism.

Recreational chemistry allows us to visualise and participate in practical experiences that are not always easily accessible, but it is important that it does not obscure the scientific knowledge that we want to transmit.
Infants experimentant amb un pèndol de Newton

One way to stimulate interest in physics is to expose people to experiences that arouse their curiosity and lead them to seek explanations for phenomena.
ciència recreativa en un Club  de Ciència infantil

Today, citizens interested in science have many ways to access it, from the classic formats of books and journals, to television and radio programmes, to social networks and other internet platforms.

The pressure against poaching has increased, but the two species of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla and G.beringei) remain in critical danger. Now more than ever, the future of gorillas depends on us.
Hannibal Lecter

Hannibal Lecter is characterised by a high intelligence and great serenity. But Lecter would be an exception, because psychopathy usually implies a lower general and emotional intelligence.
Retrat de Théodore Géricault, autor de la sèrie de les monomanies.

Dr. Georget commissioned Théodore Géricault to produce a series of ten portraits of alienated people suffering from monomania. By 2021, only five had been located, but since then three more have been identified. There are still two more to be found, so the mystery continues...
Julio Sanjua

The plan to find a general definition of storytelling looked simple. Slightly unexpected problem, though… the simple, almost universal definition of storytelling was not found.
monstres invisibles

Eleven authors published an article in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet suggesting an apparent link between the MMR vaccine and the onset of autism. This news bomb led to the Wakefield scandal.
Pingüí carablanc a l'Antàrtida

The chinstrap penguin, a bio-indicator of changes in Antarctic ecosystems, is in dramatic decline due to temperature changes that affect the abundance of its prey.
Tot a la vegada a tot arreu,

Sometimes the merits of some of the films that have won Best Picture at the Oscars are not easy to understand, as happened to the author in 2022 with Everything everywhere all at once.
Duria Antiquior

Christianity has produced stories that have served as a reference point for scientific research for centuries. Two of these examples are analysed here, the story of Creation and the story of Noah's Ark.

Review of the changes in the way science is presented to audiences through the new narratives offered by social networks.
Jane Godall

This monograph provides new points of view on the role of stories in shaping scientific thought, and on the way in which this resource communicates science.
Loeske Kruuk

Loeske Kruuk's studies have promoted the analysis of quantitative genetics in natural populations and its use to test the foundations of evolutionary theory.

The violent crimes committed by ordinary people are, in most cases, the result of the so-called affective aggression.
Imatge promocional d'Oppenheimer, de Cristopher Nolan.

In this review of the film Oppenheimer, PhD in Law Clara Portela criticises the victimising vision of Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan's biopic, released in July 2023.

Habitat loss and degradation is one of the main threats to primates. When protecting the environment, the cultural diversity of the population groups living in protected areas cannot be ignored, because the survival of biodiversity depends on the attitudes of these communities.

When did cumulative culture evolve in our lineage? This paper discusses how the field of experimental primate archaeology has contributed to this question by describing several stone-tool experiments conducted with great apes.

What are the hunting roles in chimpanzees? The available evidence suggests that they are capable of coordination between individuals, but it is unclear whether they can also share a common strategy.
Un mico caputxí esplugant-ne un altre

Primates usually live in groups. Sociality provides primates with benefits like support and learning opportunities that ultimately increase their fitness.
Il·lustracions de primats de Jordi Sabater Pi

The order Primates includes more than three hundred species, among which are us, human beings. Perhaps that is why we are so fascinated by their study.
la maniobra d’aerofrenat a l’atmosfera marciana, duta a terme per l’ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter l’octubre del 2016.

Jerónimo Muñoz, a 16th-century Valencian astronomer, made important observations of the supernova that exploded in 1572, as well as eclipses, stars, and extremely precise maps.