With a completely colonised Earth, we must look after the environment and be pioneers of a new status quo based on climate neutrality.
The trade in wild species generates great economic wealth on a global scale. The regulation of this trade must take into account many complexities.
If we hang a magnet by a thread, it always aligns itself in the same direction, even if there is no other magnet nearby. This is a compass and responds to the Earth's magnetism.
Genetics and language are closely connected. Some genes in humans have been essential for the development of complex language.
When we are having a conversation, walking together, or simply sitting next to someone else, our postures and movements are coordinated.
Technology is addictive. Carme Torras Genís (Barcelona, 1956) remarked this in one of her lectures, in which she usually warns of the need for an ethical perspective in robot design.
A few weeks back, we suffered a bot attack on Mètode's website which, fortunately, was swiftly resolved. As a precaution, we restricted access for a few hours. To access the