Can we communicate science rigorously and still make an eager audience have a good time? The answer can be found in museums and botanical gardens, the places from where we try to spread the word in a fun and entertaining way.
The Educational Unit of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia proposes cultivating ginger and turmeric using the rhizomes we can find at the market.
If you want to create your own vegetable garden, the Educational Unit of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia offers some advice on how to start it.
En la alameda
un manantial recita
su canto entre las hierbas.
Y el caracol, pacífico
burgués de la vereda,
ignorado y humilde,
el paisaje contempla.
(Federico García Lorca, Los encuentros
de un
The Vibrant Garden suggests this activity to make our own moisturising lotion with natural products: bee wax, sweet almond oil and cocoa butter. Natural
[caption id="attachment_14976" align="alignleft" width="200"] Education Unit of the Botanic Garden of the University of Valencia[/caption]Lotion: semi-solid emulsion for pharmaceutical or cosmetic application. This is