
En les darreres dues dècades els avenços de la neurociència han estat espectaculars i cada vegada som més a prop d'entendre el llenguatge del nostre cervell. Això és així gràcies als avenços tècnics i metodològics, però sobretot a nous enfocaments en els dissenys experimentals. Els avenços en el coneixement sobre el funcionament bàsic del cervell estan guiant el desenvolupament d'eines terapèutiques cada vegada més sofisticades per curar o almenys alleujar els símptomes de malalties neurològiques i trastorns psiquiàtrics. No obstant això, aquests avenços no estan exempts de riscos i comporten dilemes ètics als quals la societat ha de donar resposta.
Introduction: the Brain Challenge

2012 is The Year of Neuroscience in Spain. This is a field that has seen great advances in the last two decades. With this feature, Mètode


Turing’s influence on biology has taken a long time to emerge, but it is now beginning to grow and become important. Since Turing’s most outstanding and


In the early 18th century, the great astronomer Johannes Kepler had already finished what is today considered the first science-fiction novel ever written. Somnium,published in 1634, after his death, tells


Turing's childhood and early years Considered the father of modern computing, Alan Mathison Turing was born in London on June 23, 1912. In spite of his struggles to learn to read


Thank you to Antonio Granell’s work, now we know the cause behind those tasteless tomatoes from the supermarket: the inactivity of the GLK2 gen.

Here at Mètode, we could take a look back and consider the journey undertaken by our journal since its very first issue, which came out in 1992. In the first


  To trace the evolutionary origins of festive celebrations as specific forms of ritualistic interactions, we will pinpoint the repertoire of festive activities (playing, singing, dancing, music making

Introduction—«The festive gene»

Like any social institution, festivals are universal: a society without a festive ritual of its own is unknown. But what is a festival? Beyond any normative definition, we can state


The history of human coexistence is the history of the freedom of the individuals and the individualities in which they are grouped. Freedom is an idea regarding the I-other pair,


For centuries, humans have considered the way in which we sense smell. We obtained the answer to this question mainly in the last twenty years. Naturally, the answer is still incomplete: recent discoveries keep opening new fascinating questions.

ESA/Hubble & NASA Travelling at hyperluminal speeds would open to humanity the possibility of exploring the whole galaxy, and even, perhaps, other galaxies. In the image, the UGC 12158, photographed by


© Photo: Javier Díez (www.jdiez.com). Montage of the constellations: Fernando Ballesteros. The night sky from the Observatory of the University of Valencia in Aras de los Olmos. In the photograph we


Carles Puche The universe is full of gas clouds, dust and organic matter. Radiotelescopes have detected the presence of water and a great variety of organic molecules, essential pieces for the


In a group of islets in the North of Madagascar, a hitherto unknown chameleon species has been found whose adults barely reach 3 cm in length. This minuscule chameleon has the same bone arrangement as any gigantic crocodile.
Francesc Miralles

Interview with Francesc Miralles, historian, art critic and expert in Joaquim Mir, painter of 'La cala encantada' ("The enchanted cove").
A Concrete Landscape

© Vicenç M. RossellóCala d'Or (Mallorca). The wave of tourism-driven urban development that hit the Balearic Islands from the mid-twentieth century on has greatly

From the Idealistic Sublimation of a Landscape to the Nightmare of its Destruction

A la literatura balear, la cala no ha centrat el protagonisme de la poesia, tot i la seua predominança en el paisatge de les Illes, però sí que hi té una presència selecta.
Mallorca's caves

Caves are an essential part of thee Mediterranean coast and they have a close relationship with coves. The article explores Mallorca's caves and coves.

Coves and the Underworld

Joan J. Fornós Miocene carbonate cliffs in the Balearic Islands are the fundamental meeting point of karst and coves. Coves are complex littoral geoforms, worked


Photograph: Joan Torres. Arxiu Gran Enciclopedia de la Pintura i l'Escultura a les Balears The Belgian painter William Degouve de Nuncques painted part of the Mallorcan coastline. Above, how he saw


In the strict sense, coves are defined by their calcareous component. In our country this requirement is met only by the coves in southern Menorca and Sa Marina in Mallorca.

© Col·lecció Aena d'Art Contemporani The cover of Mètode's latest issue is a fragment of The enchanted cove by the landscape painter Joaquim Mir. This Catalan artist was charmed by the


To state that we have to preserve nature and protect it against degradation seems redundant nowadays. However, people's awareness of nature was not as strong as ours in the 19th