
Mètode In other issues we discussed the possibility (or impossibility) of travelling faster than the speed of light. We saw that hyperdrive transport, by


Cortesia de Harvard College Observatory Harvard's «computers» in 1891. Williamina Fleming is standing in the centre of the image and Edward Pickering is on the left. Nowadays


Mètode Leonardo Torres Quevedo designed Ulia’s cableway in San Sebastián, which began working in 1907. Later, in 1916, the cable car of the Niagara Falls (Canada)


Many festivals held in Italy feature ceremonial bread as an offering. The presence of votive breads, sometimes made in human form, is widespread in several regions. In Sicily one can still encounter a wide range of ceremonial breads, in particular during the festivities celebrating Saint Joseph and Easter. These «special» breads are also given as offerings during many other festivals and celebrations of special relevance to particular communities. Given their shape and ritual use, anthropomorphic breads are of particular interest, which are ex-votives proffered to restore order in the body and the cosmos.

Food plays a major role in the traditional calendar, and many festivals are inextricably linked to food-related customs. The culinary heritage of the Piedmont region of Italy is currently subject to reassessment and reinterpretation, at the service of creative logic, which is proposing to overcome the economic crisis by recovering traditional savoir faire. There are movements within this school of thought, like Slow Food and initiatives such as those taken by the University of Gastronomic Sciences, which has made a survey on the role of food in festivals.
cover photo sycle life

This article deals with festivities linked to rites of passage, which serve to sanction changes in social status based on age and gender. Therefore, it looks at rituals related to the life cycle, such as baptism, first communion, marriage or death, symbolic actions intertwined with a thoroughly culture-defined biological cycle and occurring in unequivocally festive contexts.
Sant Antoni

Immersed in modernity the festival has become a reflexive celebration of identity, a gateway to transcend everyday life. It is a special time to regain consciousness in front of

Calendar Festivals

Els dos modes bàsics d’elaboració de calendaris, el de dies assenyalats i el de cicles estacionals o mensuals, els mostren com una sèrie de codificacions que revelen una concepció qualitativa del temps, i ambdós són formes institucionalitzades.
Muixeranga: a Long Journey

© Antonio Ariño I seem to recall my first memories of the Muixeranga1 were set in the street Molí de la Vila, just where


The existence of adult neurogenesis in the brain of mammals, our species included, as well as the identification of the cells responsible for said neurogenesis, has


El creixent desenvolupament aconseguit per les tècniques de neuroimatge funcional ha representat un gran avenç en l'estudi de les bases neurals del funcionament cognitiu. En aquest sentit, aquestes potents tècniques estan ajudant a donar resposta a preguntes com ara on i quan ocorren certs processos al cervell. No obstant això, és un bon disseny experimental, que permeta interpretar els resultats que aporten aquestes tècniques a la llum de contrastats models teòrics, allò que ens dóna peu a respondre a la més important de les preguntes: com es produeix la conducta?

En les darreres dues dècades els avenços de la neurociència han estat espectaculars i cada vegada som més a prop d'entendre el llenguatge del nostre cervell. Això és així gràcies als avenços tècnics i metodològics, però sobretot a nous enfocaments en els dissenys experimentals. Els avenços en el coneixement sobre el funcionament bàsic del cervell estan guiant el desenvolupament d'eines terapèutiques cada vegada més sofisticades per curar o almenys alleujar els símptomes de malalties neurològiques i trastorns psiquiàtrics. No obstant això, aquests avenços no estan exempts de riscos i comporten dilemes ètics als quals la societat ha de donar resposta.
Introduction: the Brain Challenge

2012 is The Year of Neuroscience in Spain. This is a field that has seen great advances in the last two decades. With this feature, Mètode


Turing’s influence on biology has taken a long time to emerge, but it is now beginning to grow and become important. Since Turing’s most outstanding and


In the early 18th century, the great astronomer Johannes Kepler had already finished what is today considered the first science-fiction novel ever written. Somnium,published in 1634, after his death, tells


Turing's childhood and early years Considered the father of modern computing, Alan Mathison Turing was born in London on June 23, 1912. In spite of his struggles to learn to read


Thank you to Antonio Granell’s work, now we know the cause behind those tasteless tomatoes from the supermarket: the inactivity of the GLK2 gen.

Here at Mètode, we could take a look back and consider the journey undertaken by our journal since its very first issue, which came out in 1992. In the first


  To trace the evolutionary origins of festive celebrations as specific forms of ritualistic interactions, we will pinpoint the repertoire of festive activities (playing, singing, dancing, music making

Introduction—«The festive gene»

Like any social institution, festivals are universal: a society without a festive ritual of its own is unknown. But what is a festival? Beyond any normative definition, we can state


The history of human coexistence is the history of the freedom of the individuals and the individualities in which they are grouped. Freedom is an idea regarding the I-other pair,


For centuries, humans have considered the way in which we sense smell. We obtained the answer to this question mainly in the last twenty years. Naturally, the answer is still incomplete: recent discoveries keep opening new fascinating questions.

ESA/Hubble & NASA Travelling at hyperluminal speeds would open to humanity the possibility of exploring the whole galaxy, and even, perhaps, other galaxies. In the image, the UGC 12158, photographed by


© Photo: Javier Díez (www.jdiez.com). Montage of the constellations: Fernando Ballesteros. The night sky from the Observatory of the University of Valencia in Aras de los Olmos. In the photograph we