Illustration: Moisés Mahiques

On 8 October, 2001, Pere Estupinyà started his career as a science communicator. He remembers the journey in this article.
big data

Big data, one of the greatest businesses in the future, is bad for the environment, with high energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Processors have become more efficient, but the amount of information is growing exponentially.
climate crisis

It is not enough to address the climate crisis: it is necessary to tackle the entire set of problems that contribute to exceeding planetary boundaries.

This is a decisive decade in the fight against climate change, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation policies.
covid-19 and climate change

The paper reviews the impact that COVID-19 has had on the ambitions of countries to meet the Paris Accord of reducing emissions to keep global temperature increases to below 2 ºC in this century.

The Coast Guards International Ice Patrol monitors Atlantic icebergs and even diverts their course from oil rigs.

Humans, unlike some animals, do not base their mating choices exclusively on genetics. There are many cultural and social determinants.

In the 17th century, it was difficult to achieve and maintain a partial vacuum. In the 21st century, the challenge is to achieve an ultra-vacuum in the laboratory such as we could never have dreamed of.

Sickness behaviours are far from being exclusive to humans; they have been found in virtually all animals in which they have been studied.

In April 2021, the ingenuity drone flew within the Martian atmosphere. Its purpose was to demonstrate the feasibility of flight in the tenuous Martian atmosphere.

The movie Die hard has an important plot hole that could be justified with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

Some mammals experience a feeling of soft pain when tasting fruits with capsaicin. This mutation has survived with the evolution of mammals.

Climate change has been at the centre of the environmental debate for three decades. The fight needs an innovative approach based on citizen politics and social transformation.

Gender is a key axis of social inequality that intersects with other systems of power and marginalization to cause unequal experiences of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity.

Understanding the discourse of aging analyses different perspectives on ageing in the media and mass culture.

Review of the book The end of everything (astrophysically speaking), by the Australian astrophysicist Katie Mack, on the possible ends of the universe.

Studying citrus tolerance responses to climate change may hold the key to developing new citrus varieties capable of withstanding future environmental conditions while still maintaining production.

High mountains are among the regions most affected by climate change. We analyse why they are important and what problems they are facing today.

Some alterations associated with this new Anthropocene climate system are already irreversible and exceed the natural variability of the last few thousand years.
Martín de Cervera. Lliçó de teologia a la Universitat de Salamanca, amb alumnes de diversos ordes religiosos, 1614. Oli, portes de l’armari del depòsit de manuscrits de la Biblioteca Universitària.

The article defends the idea that theology should disappear from university programmes. It cannot be a science because it is based on faith and authority.
consulta sobre comunciació científica

We analyse the international CONCISE project that studies, through public consultations on science communication, the way in which society is involved in citizen science, a discipline that is becoming more and more widespread.

While it would be unwise to consider SARS-CoV-2 as evolutionarily exhausted, it is beginning to struggle to find new evolutionary improvements.
vaccine immunity

If the disease is defeated, immunity is more comprehensive, but less potent. It is therefore recommended that at least one dose of the vaccine be administered to people who have had the disease.
Lukas souza - Plane Covid 19

The author reminds us that we are going into a pandemic summer and the situation will remain for a long time. We must be optimist, but remain cautious.