
I suddenly imagined Barbieland to be the world where scientists live, where they research and reach conclusions from empirical data, share ideas constructively, and assume that all the knowledge they produce in their labs in Scienceland ends up impacting society with technologies and wisdom that improve our lives.
Il·lustració: Moisés Mahiques

For the author, the study of sex is much broader and more interesting than we imagine, from the endocrine and physiological side, but also from psychology and sociology.

On 13 December 2021, the eruptive activity of the volcano of La Palma came to an end. Since before the eruption, science was essential to manage the crisis.

Illustration: Moisés Mahiques

On 8 October, 2001, Pere Estupinyà started his career as a science communicator. He remembers the journey in this article.

Pere Estupinyà narrates his journey into Patagonia, where the Rewilding foundation develops conservation projects.

The author proposes to create the concept of «pre-scientific dissemination» to talk about scientific mysteries, enigmas, or hypotheses that could be confirmed or disproved by science.

As the debate on vaccines grows, people with doubts will dissipate them and take a stand for or against them.
periodisme científic illust

The word science has never been as present in the media as it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, and if this continues to be the case in the coming months, it is very likely that something will remain even after the coronavirus disappears.
illustr mahiques emotions science

What do you feel when you thnk about science? There are people who feel nothing at all and so they prefer other readings. I imagine that you will have many different ones, but which is the most prevalent, the one that weighs most heavily?
Science as a tool or as a protagonist?

If we want science to play a truly relevant social role, we must take the opposite path and respond with science to the questions and problems of individuals and society. We must treat is as a tool, not as the protagonist.
science communicator illustration

Pere Estupinyà offers advice for young scientists who do not know how to take the leap into science communication.
moisé mahiques tips science communication

Science disseminator Pere Estupinyà lists four possible roles for science communicators: none, a collaborative role, an involved one, or that of a professional.

I confess I have a small problem, which I suspect I share with many fellow scientific disseminators: more and more every day, my interests do not coincide with the interests of my readers.
periodisme científic

Current science leads us to pajama dissemination, to write about stories without ever leaving our homes.
Machine Learning

After the appearance in the 1940s of the first computers that could manage complex calculations, Alan Turing and other computation scientists asked whether someday machines would be able to think similarly to humans.
la ciencia perd prestigi

[caption id="attachment_44056" align="alignleft" width="320"] Illustration by Moisés Mahiques[/caption] A few days ago, the writer of a radio programme wrote to me asking if I would like to comment on a scientific


In 2007 chaos broke out in some offices of the Government of Chile. An ISA outbreak (infectious salmon anaemia) was detected in the fish farms of the Chiloé Archipelago and


I worked for fours years at TVE programme Redes. It was an excellent programme and Punset was a great science communicator who managed to do what very few could: get


Yesterday I was working on a communication project aimed at the wide audience and again I made the same mistake of those enthusiasts of science: focusing on the steak and


It is the third time I have been offered erection pills. Not that I need them


I vividly remember a conversation about the importance of basic science at Harvard University with chemistry Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert. Dr. Gilbert stressed the importance of doing research in order to


Creieu que estic sent superficial insinuant que per als universitaris anar a classe no és tan important? Gens ni mica. El món ha canviat, i la universitat també ho ha de fer.
Thinking Like Scientists, Not Lawyers

A lawyer has a case first and then looks for evidence to defend it, while a scientist – at least in theory – has evidence first and then concludes a