Maxwell T. Boykoff

Adjunct professor of Environmental studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder (USA) and member of Mètode‘s scientific board. He is the Director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, which is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is also the Director of the Media and Climate Change Observatory and co-director of the project «Inside the Greenhouse». He has published many papers, book chapters, and books on cultural policy and environmental governance, scientific and environmental communication, science and policy interactions, or climate adaptation. One of his most relevant books is Who speaks for climate? Making sense of media reporting on climate change (Cambridge University Press, 2011). His latest publication is Creative (Climate) Communications: Productive pathways for science, policy and society (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

university students climate change communication

Researcher Max Boykoff has just published the book Creative (Climate) Communications. In this text, he offers some key ideas he discusses in depth in his new publication.

Against a contrasting backdrop of consensus on key issues on climate science, a heterogeneous group dubbed climate «skeptics», «contrarians», «deniers» have significantly shaped contemporary discussions of climate science, politics and policy in the public sphere. This essay focuses on the USA context, and explores some of the intertwined social, political and economic factors, as well as cultural and psychological characteristics that have together influenced public attitudes.