Professor at the Department of French and Italian Studies. University of Valencia.
Domingo Pujante reflects on Mètode’s monograph Itinerancy (spring 2014) dedicated to the processes of human and animal mobility in the search of the best chances for survival and safety.
Review of different visions on the migratory phenomenon explored by Spanish cinema, from the 30s until the current day.
The first migration led some groups away from the African continent to colonize the rest of the planet and, ever since, geographical displacement of individuals or groups has remained constant throughout history (despite the restrictions currently imposed by border-control policies).
Dues malalties com el càncer i la sida han reactivat la creació contemporània entorn de la malaltia en l'últim quart del segle passat. Dues afeccions maleïdes i sense guariment definitiu, que estan socialment farcides de tabús i metàfores. estigmatitzadores.