We talked to Hans Peter Peters and Susanna Priest, researchers on science communication, about the breach between the two cultures.
Economic restructuring in the media industry has eliminated many professional journalists’ jobs, reductions that may have been hardest on specialized journalists reporting areas like science, technology, economics, or international affairs.
Scientific journalism faces the challenge of adapting not only to new formats but also to new information exchange dynamics. New online platforms, making it easier to access and produce scientific content, are forcing science publics to evolve.
The present article reviews the panorama of science communication in France from the perspective of the monthly magazine La Recherche and other French media sources.
The relationship between scientists and journalists is better than its image would suggest. Scientists not only believe that public communication is a duty, but also that media visibility is beneficial.
Communicating science effectively and rigorously is still one of the many challenges facing scientists and researchers today. Indeed, in the current context it is more important than ever to involve society in the work undertaken at universities and research centres.
Until relatively recently, women have had problems gaining access to jobs traditionally taken by men such as medicine, professorships and research. Some women, however, like the three given as examples in this article, managed to become pioneers in the most difficult disciplines and areas requiring utmost dedication.
Between 1716 and 1717, Joan Salvador i Riera, an apothecary from Barcelona and Antoine de Jussieu, a professor of botany at Le Jardin du Roi in Paris, travelled the roads of Spain and Portugal, sometime by calash, sometimes on mule back, to make «botanical observations». This article provides a brief overview of the Salvador family and a glimpse of the journey made by these two naturalists.
The last two decades have witnessed the widespread use of genetic testing in courtrooms, to identify criminals from biological remains, determine paternity or identify corpses. Less is known, however, about
In recent decades, oncohematology has witnessed major advances in cancer treatment and survival. The toxicity associated with classical chemotherapy, and the need to improve the efficacy and tolerance to treatment,
Evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky reflected on the place held by evolutionary theory in modern biology in the title of his famous article: «Nothing in biology makes sense except in the