Fra Angelico, Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1451-1453. Washington, National Gallery of Art. This article talks about some of the symbolic icons of renaissance painting and in particular the ones representing
Industrial robots and androids in science fiction were worlds apart until recently, but now begin to merge with the rapid development of social robotics. Given the growing need for labour
The world in which we live is becoming ever-more globalised, with a clear predominance of information and communications media, packed with interactivity and feedback. This makes it more difficult to
Review of different visions on the migratory phenomenon explored by Spanish cinema, from the 30s until the current day.
This article discusses «migrant literature» in Catalonia, looking at the particular case of Najat El Hachmi, a Catalan writer of Moroccan origin. Here we analyse her first book, the auto-biographical essay Jo també sóc catalana.
This paper investigates the cross-border migration of North European retirees to the Costa Blanca and its influence on the urban expansion of resorts. We also discuss the reasons for these migrations, which are mainly related to climate and lifestyle.
Border control policies have been strengthened, making Spain – and indeed Europe as whole – a kind of fortress that is becoming increasingly hard to enter and, consequently, to request asylum.
This article reflects on the social costs and benefits of human migrations, from the viewpoints of both migrating and host populations, and the people that comprise them.
Studying the genetic diversity of human populations today reveals past demographic and migratory events that left an imprint on our genome, same as current migrations will affect our future genetic diversity.
In the animal kingdom, dispersal represents a critical decision as it affects survival and reproductive success, and is also an important component of population dynamics. This article looks at dispersal
Many factors influence dispersal decisions in animals. However, animals only disperse once they are physically fit enough to reach and settle in the new location successfully.
The first migration led some groups away from the African continent to colonize the rest of the planet and, ever since, geographical displacement of individuals or groups has remained constant throughout history (despite the restrictions currently imposed by border-control policies).