The Poincaré conjecture is a topological problem established in 1904 by the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. It characterises three-dimensional spheres in a very simple way. This problem was directly solved between 2002 and 2003 by Grigori Perelman, and as a consequence of his demonstration of the Thurston geometrisation conjecture.

The Clay Mathematics Institute made a list of seven problems in May 2000; they were called the «millennium problems». Finding their solution has an added incentive: each solver will receive a million dollars as a prize.

Genre Egalité et Mixité is a interdisciplinary research group on gender in education, created at the University of Lyon, that explores this issue along three axes: teacher training, scientific research, and the creation of a specialised library. Coming from several disciplines, its researchers have different profiles and consequently, different conceptions of feminism, making the team unique.
Doctor with a patient

Women remained invisible in health sciences until the late twentieth century because they were not included in the cohorts used in researched studies. Thanks to the work done by different

Doctoral thesis defence

Women make up the majority of the university students at the beginning, but are progressively overtaken by their male colleagues, until they become an invisible minority in the highest levels of the system.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Recent gender analyses have been opening new paths for innovation and excellence. They are the basis for the Gendered Innovations project. However, this work did not come out of nowhere; it is supported by decades of gender and science studies.  

The institutionalisation of equality policy in science should facilitate progress towards equality in a space that wants to consider itself merit (and ability) driven.


With the title of this monograph, SheScience, we want to delve on these two aspects. We are committed to science done by women in the same numbers and hierarchy as men, and to science that reveals differential characteristics between women and men, and those other aspects that are specific to women. Both often ignored.

The existence of habitable extra solar planets, is nothing new in science fiction cinema. Perhaps more interesting is the existence of unusual planets, such as the planet Tatooine from Star Wars (1977), by George Lucas, that orbits a binary star system.

Scientific philosophy is that which is informed by science. It uses exact tools such as logic and mathematics and provides a framework for scientific activity to solve more general questions


The universe at large is dominated on the one hand side by gravity and on the other by weakly interacting particles. The identity of dark matter remains an unresolved mystery of the universe. Meanwhile neutrinos have matured from their status as ghost particles to distinctly visible messengers for some of the most intriguing astrophysical phenomena.

Els neutrins són partícules neutres que tan sols interactuen dèbilment, la qual cosa les converteix en poderoses fonts d’informació sobre els processos més energètics de l’univers, però es necessiten detectors de dimensions gegantines ubicats al fons del mar o davall el gel antàrtic per a poder detectar-los.

The gamma-ray radiation represents the most energetic «light» of the electromagnetic spectrum.

X-ray emission from cosmic sources indicates that these sources are heated to temperatures exceeding a million degrees. These observations greatly impacted our understanding of the physics governing the evolution of structures across the universe.

Understanding the nature of the main constituents of the universe is crucial to obtain a precise description of the way in which it reached its present state.


In this article, we summarise several of the most well-known astrophysical scenarios, and offer a brief description of what we currently know about them.

We see the sky and admire its regularity and stability, its apparent immutability. We have always done so; it does not come as a surprise, since humans have always been startled by any change in the sky, associating it with omens or the mood swings of gods. At that time, they might call these changes «new stars», even if they were, for example, a supernova explosion, as in the case of Tycho’s supernova in the sixteenth century.

ABSTRACT Unlike the case of Galileo, the Catholic Church has managed evolutionism and Charles Darwin’s work with discretion. Among Catholic scientists, some defend a variety of evolutionism which is peppered with


ABSTRACT At the beginning of the atomic age, Francoist Spain launched an expensive project to develop, research and use nuclear energy. Scientists, the military and high-ranking officials in the administration


ABSTRACT Science is not «above» politics and ethics: it is intrinsically political, and constantly raises ethical dilemmas. The consequences of evading such issues were made particularly clear in the actions


Charles Darwin did not adopt any obvious ideology, except perhaps that of anti-slavery. However, his published work, and that of other evolutionists, led to the emergence of social Darwinism.

ABSTRACT Agreeing that there are often strong connections between fields of science and the ideological convictions of those producing the science, this essay shows that the connections are often complex and


Knowledge without conscience is but the ruin of the soul», François Rabelais wrote. With this famous sentence, the French writer warned about the danger of letting ourselves be carried away

Rudolf Nieuwenhuys

Rudolf Nieuwenhuys is a worldwide eminence in the field of Neuroanatomy. He has a formal education as a medical doctor, but his view is not at all anthropocentric and he

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