Coves and the Underworld

Joan J. Fornós Miocene carbonate cliffs in the Balearic Islands are the fundamental meeting point of karst and coves. Coves are complex littoral geoforms, worked


Photograph: Joan Torres. Arxiu Gran Enciclopedia de la Pintura i l'Escultura a les Balears The Belgian painter William Degouve de Nuncques painted part of the Mallorcan coastline. Above, how he saw


In the strict sense, coves are defined by their calcareous component. In our country this requirement is met only by the coves in southern Menorca and Sa Marina in Mallorca.

© Col·lecció Aena d'Art Contemporani The cover of Mètode's latest issue is a fragment of The enchanted cove by the landscape painter Joaquim Mir. This Catalan artist was charmed by the


© Fernando Morant Vicent Martínez Sancho fou el primer físic que escrigué una obra sobre física en català. Vicent Martínez Sancho (Simat de la Valldigna, 1943) has been teaching Physics at


Red Eléctrica de España Power lines mark the landscape and thus rouse public objection. Electricity plays a leading role in the 21st century. The ability to generate electricity using renewable and CO2-free


Spanish Solar Thermal Electric Industry Association Solar thermal power stations capture heat, not light, using parabolic mirrors to heat a fluid in a tube or by flat mirrors that heat a

Aerogeneradors a la província de Ca

The future energy model in our country depends on the necessary deployment, among other sources, of wind energy. But the reconciliation between this net energy and the landscape has led to a polarisation of points of view.

IREC The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya, IREC) was set up in 2008. The centre is an example of a strong commitment to research


LM Windpower The huge turbine Haliade 150 generates 6 megawatts of power and measures 150 meters in diameter. These types of wind turbines are geared exclusively for marine use, where large


The study reported here sets out to explore the different ideological stances taken by several Spanish newspapers and the opinions proffered, to see whether there was scientific debate about nuclear energy in the popular Spanish press.
Energy and Building

Improved efficiency in the building sector is essential to reduce energy consumption. In the EU, construction represents 40% of final energy consumption.1 In Spain2, each household consumes an average of


© BP Offshore platforms demonstrate the level of sophistication achieved by this kind of mining, as well as the difficulties faced due to the progressive depletion of deposits within easy reach.

Price Formation in Energy Markets

Energy price fluxes have an impact on inflation and on economic activity as a whole, which affects the country’s competitive position. The extent of this impact

The Strength of the World

Many people believe that the contribution renewable energy sources make to the generation of electricity as a whole is little more than anecdotal. Truth be known,

Lady’s slipper

Rare and funny, Lady’s slipper (or Cuckoo’s slipper) is good at playing hide and seek. From the eighteenth century it appeared in botanical publications to then vanish into a long silence denying its existence in the Pyrenees.
Vegetable gardens

Family orchards and vegetable plots in the Catalan Pyrenees play a key role in conservation and management of biodiversity and preservation of traditional knowledge. They also help enhance social cohesion and welfare while, at the same time, affirming cultural identity.
traditional knowledge about plants

The main goal of the study presented here is to compile traditional knowledge about plants in Formentera and Mallorca, with a focus on medicinal and food uses, before it is too late and such knowledge is lost.

survival cuisine

The habit of gathering leaves, flowers, roots, fruits of wild plants and mushrooms for cooking traditional dishes is dying out in parts of Alicante, although in other –mostly rural– areas these traditional recipes are still in use. Ethnobotanical studies conducted in the province of Valencia identify more than 110 wild species used as food.


The global debate on biodiversity has inevitably led us to consider traditional knowledge of plants, ethnobotany’s basic corpus, as an inseparable part of this discipline. This fact was amply recognised by the Convention on Biodiversity. Furthermore, ethnobotanical knowledge can and should be used to achieve sustainable development that is compatible with the conservation of biodiversity.
Beloved Botany

Ethnobotany, the study of relationships between human societies and plants, is a discipline at the crossroads between natural sciences and social sciences. Such interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity breaches a purely scientific paradigm to bring researchers together from fields as diverse as anthropology...

Can scientific facts and the idiosyncratic tribal culture of scientists be presented persuasively and intelligibly in the form of «science-in-fiction» and «science-in-theatre»? Here, some affirmative examples are given, emphasising the play Oxygen.

© Mètode The large laboratory of the Royal Court of Berlin. From Johannes Hörmann, 1898. Die königliche Hofapotheke in Berlin (1598-1898), Hohenzollern Jahrbuch 1898. Historians of chemistry have dealt with this


Quan Lavoisier parla d’oxigen no té en ment la mateixa idea que un químic contemporani. La diferència entre un concepte i l’altre és un problema fonamental a l’hora d’estudiar les teories químiques anteriors i posteriors a la revolució química.
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