Javier Magriña knew he wanted to be a surgeon ever since he could perform his first autopsy during his medical studies in Barcelona. His enthusiasm was fuelled by the support
Dues malalties com el càncer i la sida han reactivat la creació contemporània entorn de la malaltia en l'últim quart del segle passat. Dues afeccions maleïdes i sense guariment definitiu, que estan socialment farcides de tabús i metàfores. estigmatitzadores.
ABSTRACT For teenagers, to be diagnosed with cancer comes as a real blow. In this article, we describe the most prevalent cancers in this age group, the elements of cancer control,
El càncer és un dels problemes sanitaris més importants dels països occidentals, donada l'alta incidència i elevada mortalitat que té. En aquest article ens ocuparem dels factors externs capaços d'induir el desenvolupament d'un càncer: agents químics, físics i biològics.
Diagnosis, treatment and even the very concept of cancer as a disease have changed significantly over time. From a single and incurable disease, it is now considered a disease in
© A. AguilellaSalaria fluviatilis, freshwater blenny. Which fish are to be found in the Mediterranean rivers? A rich and diverse ichthyofauna has developed in our rivers with a great many
Between 1925 and 1975, the Sahara desert grew, especially southward, about 645,000 km2, and in some parts of Sudan, the southern boundary of the desert moved
The genome and the complexity of living beings. The genome of an organism is the whole DNA content of its cells, including genes and intergenic regions. In prokaryotes (Archaea and
Wine: culture and economy. Above all, wine is a food product, which, on gaining commercial importance, has also become a part of our economy. At the same time, wine also
The following text is a summary of the full text available in Spanish and Catalan. Anna Veiga is well known for her pioneer work in the field of in vitro fertilisation
ABSTRACT Scientific and, particularly, medical discourses have played a key role in the creation and dissemination of the standard model of motherhood envisaged as a vocation in itself, an exclusive task,
ABSTRACT A scientific career is often like an obstacle course, but for women there are additional problems and specific mechanisms of exclusion. This article shows us the strategies used to overcome
This article is a personal reflection about the context and determining aspects that have caused the exclusion of women from the scientific sphere, from the viewpoint of cultural history.
The traditional exclusion of women from the public sphere, from education, politics, art and culture, as well as women's confinement to the domestic realm, have –little by little– undergone steady
We thought it would be interesting to invite Joan Francesc Mira and Antonio Ariño to this interview to discuss the origins of festivals, their links with seasonal cycles, even the biological background that may exist in many facets of festivals. This reunion of the «mentor» and the «disciple» is also cause for celebration.