In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, citizens used various radiation measurement instruments. This article explores how the study of these devices can contribute to the understanding of citizen science.

Citizen science generates bidirectional communication, leading to an improvement in the scientific literacy of the people involved.

Citizen science is in a process of consolidation, with a wide variety of practices and perspectives. Social sciences and humanities occupy a small space despite the obvious social dimension of

Introduction: Citizen Science

In the past decade, scientific research that relies on the collaboration of citizens has grown exponentially.
espècies bioactives

Vulnerable species with bioactive potential must be protected because they are a potential source of molecules with pharmacological properties.
toxic microalgae

The impact of climate change and human interventions in the Mediterranean have led to microalgae blooms.

An analysis of 35 years of thermal images from the Mediterranean basin, which is especially vulnerable to global warming.

Urban waste generates pollution that cannot be seen with the naked eye but has negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems, which are particularly vulnerable to it.

Thermal expansion of the ocean and mass loss from glaciers and ice sheets will continue to be the main contributors to the sea level rise.

The footprint of human activities on the planet is so profound that many scientists are already suggesting that we have entered a new geological era, the Anthropocene.
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A phenomenon of exceptional importance such as global change and its multiple effects has been discussed in several Mètode monographs. In recent years, public concern about what we already perceive

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Miracle diets can produce health issues due to rapid weight loss, excessive energy restrictions, and the exclusion of certain foods or nutrients from the diet.
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Foods that are rich in fats and sugars are pleasurable because they stimulate our reward circuits, the same circuits that are activated by drugs. In a context in which unhealthy diets and drug abuse are common from adolescence, it is important to investigate their consequences.
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For guidelines to be useful, they must consider cultural, anthropological, educational, social, and economic factors, as well as the usual diet of the target society.
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There is a widespread misconception, mainly due to perverse agnogenic practices, that nutrition is hard and confusing, that we do not really know what to eat and that health professionals cannot agree.

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Nutritional epidemiology currently studies the diet-disease relationships. In this review, we analyse the impact of diet on health and the importance of dietary factors in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.


The norm of our time is to eat alone and constantly consume individually-packaged, unidentified products.
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Growing concern for health has fuelled interest in the relationship between diet and disease prevention. But despite the remarkable scientific advances, there are still many unanswered questions, and many evidence-based messages do not reach the population and are lost in a sea of misinformation and half-truths.

Society as a whole benefits from open science, and we can certainly think of it as being critical in responsible research and innovation. It is useful to separate these to some degree, however, for the purpose of understanding whether and how the use of standards could influence the robustness of RRI and OS.

Limited adoption of development standards suggests that we still do not understand why software is so difficult to produce. Software standardisation has been limited by our poor understanding of humans’ role at the origin of technological diversity.
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Understanding standardisation as a form of social ordering makes visible aspects of standards that are otherwise obscure. It allows us to move past the immediately accessible at the bench, on the screen, and in text and talk.
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The concept of standardization is linked to the industrial revolution and mass production of goods through assembly lines. The question we will try to answer is the extent to which standards can be achieved in the biological realm.
biology engineering

Synthetic biology goes one step further by incorporating conceptual frameworks from computing, electronics, and industrial design. This change makes it possible to conceive the creation of complex biological objects that were previously considered too difficult to assemble.
imatge editorial estàndards 105

In the field of biotechnology and synthetic biology – which aims at studying living things from the point of view of engineering – standards are desirable, but it has yet to be proved that they can be widely adopted.
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