
In the Lavansa valley and other places from l'Alt Urgell (at the Catalan Pyrenees) the figure of the trementinaire is still alive in the collective memory. As it happens with

Other Earth-like Worlds

Since Swiss astronomers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz announced the discovery of the first extrasolar planet or exoplanet, in 1995, different research groups worldwide took up the hunt for planets


© ABC.COM The title heading today’s section is the same as the last episode of the legendary series Cosmos, in which Carl Sagan asked the following question: «We know who speaks

Photo: Jorge Wagensberg

[caption id="attachment_25863" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo: Jorge Wagensberg[/caption] Photo: Jorge Wagensberg[/caption]There are three necessary components for creativity of the human mind: to have a good idea, to recognise the idea is good

Picture courtesy of NASA

One of science fiction’s unfulfilled dreams was setting up settlements in other worlds. Even though there was a lot of speculation regarding space settlements when the space race was starting,

Ointments, Salves, Creams, Cosmetics and Other Concoctions…

«Ointments are preparations intended for medicinal or cosmetic use»The healing power of plants has always been known. Different cultures have found in them the best way of healing. They are

Found well

In September of 2011 the 6th Science Centre World Congress was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Some of the participants, among which I was, had the privilege to make a four day visit to Welgevonden Park (meaning found well in Afrikaans).

Given its importance, it is not surprising that through evolution we have developed a system to detect the presence of salt, a system that is incorporated into the sense of taste
cosmic inventory

In ancient Greece, Empedocles stated that everything was made up of only four elements: water, fire, earth and air. It was undoubtedly the first attempt to describe the content of our universe. Over a hundred years later, Aristotle added a fifth element: ether or quintessence, which formed the stars, while the other four were the constituents of terrestrial substances.

© V. Peris i J. L. Lamadrid Picture of the Andromeda galaxy. Picture taken by the astrophotographer from the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, Vicent Peris and his


In Sarlat, the Perigord city with a splendid medieval centre, there is a sheltered market inside a desacrilised church. The reform was supervised by the architect Jean Nouvel, born in Fumèl, a nearby town. A quote from Jean Baudrillard can be read over the immense nave door: «Architecture is a mixture of nostalgia and extreme anticipation».
tunel alienígenes

There are times when a story is so striking that the written article emerges unasked. In my case that particular news-story has been a catastrophist pronouncement by Stephen Hawking, stating

Fridtjof Nansen: Science at the Service of Humanity

«The Nansen expedition claimed the most northern position man was ever known to have reached and made outstanding scientific contributions on oceanography, climate, hydrography, ice formation and the study of

Assaig de tipus de cols a la Marjal del Moro

A Valencian proverb says «Who plants cabbages in July will be able to eat them at anytime». This is the topic of this article, the cabbage family, very important in the Valencian fields and tables.

Lately, I met David Livingstone, Professor of Geography and Intellectual History at Queen’s University Belfast, during a symposium held at the University of Bergen where he discussed, among other things,

The big tree of life based on ribosomal RNA

Nature’s complexity goes beyond human imagination. The discovery and exploitation of biodiversity has undoubtedly helped us to reach a certain level of understanding of the natural world. Even though all


Marie Curie was the first woman who ever taught in the classrooms of the Sorbonne University in Paris and the first woman to obtain the Nobel Prize.

One of the privileges of working on this section of the journal Mètode is the chance to recount the surprising things we encounter and enjoy in the plant world. And


Biodiversity implies integral and sustainable development for it promotes competitiveness, growth and job creation and increases financial resources. The loss of biodiversity threatens our natural environment and thus, the quality

vegetable garden

Having a vegetable plot or an allotment returns to us an almost forgotten right: the right to grow our own food and to serve up our family’s own home-grown produce.

Science springs from a method that measures and contrasts. Without measurements, thinking is something vague. But life-cycle assessors have no thermometers. The lay their hands on the sick creature’s forehead and knit their brows

There is a new flavour in the kitchen: the umami, named by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda when he discobered a new teste different from the four basics already known: sour, sweet, salty and bitter.
Hedy Lamarr

Above all, Hedy Lamarr was interested in sinking German submarines. She was an actress who, deep down, wanted to be an inventor. And she was.

Carotenoids belong to a group of pigments that are responsible for the yellow and orange hues in many flowers, fruits and vegetables, as well as for the red hue in tomatoes.
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