Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson was born on 26 August 1918 and was the first woman of NASA's Research Division to be credited as the author of a report.

One of the current hotspots in astrobiology is the search for water in exoplanets. We all seem to share the idea that water is essential for the existence of life, and even the assumption that water and life are almost synonymous.

From the simplest of cells to the first bands of hominids treading on two legs across the African savannah, the history of life in this planet is based on cooperation.

Sentences string words together to express universes of related concepts. That is why it is so important to always use the right term to evoke the concept clearly and accurately.
gingebre jardí animat

The Educational Unit of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia proposes cultivating ginger and turmeric using the rhizomes we can find at the market.
periodisme científic

Current science leads us to pajama dissemination, to write about stories without ever leaving our homes.

Recent aerosol technology, the science of acrylic painting, and the mural painters who preceded them were decisive for the emergence of contemporary graffiti
Sembrar un hort

If you want to create your own vegetable garden, the Educational Unit of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia offers some advice on how to start it.
Machine Learning

After the appearance in the 1940s of the first computers that could manage complex calculations, Alan Turing and other computation scientists asked whether someday machines would be able to think similarly to humans.
Sistema Solar

The Solar System has its own road network, the Interplanetary Transport Network (ITN), a ser of trajectories related to the Lagrange points.
Photo: Pixabay

We have to resort to less comfortable and more tangled phrases such as raw material or unprocessed product, because we run the risk that the next time we tell our patients to eat «natural products», they end up buying broth, refined bread or juice.

We live in an age of contradictions. It might well be the age we land on Mars, rule over our own DNA, or fuse two atoms to recreate a star. Alas, it is also the age of Trump, climate change denial, or the spending of millions of euros on pseudosciences such as homeopathy.

Algae can be sustainably grown in large quantities in seas and oceans. That is the reason why many believe that in the future they will constitute an important part of food consumption in the world, and that they will alleviate world hunger.
Rita Levi-Montalcini

Neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 1986. She was member of the United States National Academy of Sciences and Goodwill Ambassador of the (FAO), and she created a foundation to help African women and girls to study.

Consider a human collective whose members issue opinions about an event that can only be true of false. Individual reliability is p, ranging between zero and one. It is higher

volar a léspai

[caption id="attachment_44035" align="alignleft" width="320"] First stage of the Falcon 9 rocket landing on SpaceX's floating platform. / Mètode[/caption] When NASA was founded, the USAF (United States Air Force) was deep into the development


We live in a rapidly transforming world. Social reality moves, nature moves, the cosmos moves and human beings move as well, but we do so not only across our biography


Cancer, one of the greatest problems of modern medicine, is also one of the most profound biological mysteries. And there are more than just one type of cancer: cancer has many different origins, development processes, and anatomic and pathological consequences.
la ciencia perd prestigi

[caption id="attachment_44056" align="alignleft" width="320"] Illustration by Moisés Mahiques[/caption] A few days ago, the writer of a radio programme wrote to me asking if I would like to comment on a scientific


Each domain of knowledge has its own language, content and method. They give it character, and whenever a field of knowledge advances, it is thanks to one of them. Language


Venereal diseases were a heavy burden in the early twentieth century. Syphilis was the paradigm of physical and psychological degeneration, the destroyer of family and society, and the syphilitic individual was


In the eighteenth century, the metre, its multiples and decimal submultiples cornered the cumbersome use of sexagesimal systems, still valid until then.

Deglutition is the physiological process through which the alimentary bolus is transported from the mouth to the stomach.

Hi ha moltes maneres de divertir-se, però, si es jutja pel calendari de festejos a Espanya, res pot igualar a un excés de morbositat subtilment combinat amb un defecte de compassió.
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