In The father, Anthony Hopkins, who has Alzheimer's, wants to live alone and lead his own life, despite his daughter's wishes.
Amfibis en perill

Amphibians are the most endangered group of vertebrates on the planet. Factors such as habitat destruction and climate change are pushing them towards extinction.

Two types of transmissible cancer have been described in Tasmanian devils, marsupial carnivores endemic to the Australian island of the same name.

Nau espacial

The Moon has once again become an important playing field. The big difference is that now private enterprise is also involved.

The pressure against poaching has increased, but the two species of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla and G.beringei) remain in critical danger. Now more than ever, the future of gorillas depends on us.

I suddenly imagined Barbieland to be the world where scientists live, where they research and reach conclusions from empirical data, share ideas constructively, and assume that all the knowledge they produce in their labs in Scienceland ends up impacting society with technologies and wisdom that improve our lives.

In early November 1572, a new star appeared in the sky. At the time, the Aristotelian worldview held that the heavens were unchanging, so the presence of a defiant star caused society to mistrust the divine order of the heavens.

The real story of how and why the zebra has stripes is an evolutionary mystery that has puzzled ethologists and evolutionary biologists for over a hundred years.
monstres invisibles

Eleven authors published an article in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet suggesting an apparent link between the MMR vaccine and the onset of autism. This news bomb led to the Wakefield scandal.

Mariño reflects on how we remember Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who died poor, blind and forgotten, and has been reduced to a giraffe story that is compulsively repeated every time someone tries to explain his ideas.
Pingüí carablanc a l'Antàrtida

The chinstrap penguin, a bio-indicator of changes in Antarctic ecosystems, is in dramatic decline due to temperature changes that affect the abundance of its prey.
Tot a la vegada a tot arreu,

Sometimes the merits of some of the films that have won Best Picture at the Oscars are not easy to understand, as happened to the author in 2022 with Everything everywhere all at once.

The violent crimes committed by ordinary people are, in most cases, the result of the so-called affective aggression.
la maniobra d’aerofrenat a l’atmosfera marciana, duta a terme per l’ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter l’octubre del 2016.

Jerónimo Muñoz, a 16th-century Valencian astronomer, made important observations of the supernova that exploded in 1572, as well as eclipses, stars, and extremely precise maps.

Il·lustració: Moisés Mahiques

For the author, the study of sex is much broader and more interesting than we imagine, from the endocrine and physiological side, but also from psychology and sociology.
focus verd

Some phasmids can change colour or imitate the characteristic swaying of branches and leaves in the wind.

Absinthe is a distillate of different herbs, most notably Artemisia absinthium (wormwood), which contains several highly toxic molecules and some with hallucinogenic effects.

The discovery of the double helix was the work of four people, and Rosalind Franklin's contribution is on a par with that of Wilkins, Watson, and Crick.

In various species of animals, females exhibit marked preferences for individuals with relatively rare ornaments.

Are borders established because of differences or are differences the result of borders? The author ponders on this question.
Xiquetes flotant a l'espai

Dare to take on the new challenge proposed by Chantal Ferrer for «Free fall», related to gravity and our perception of weight.
Missió DART

Discovering an Earth-bound object is not the same as avoiding it. For the latter, early detection is crucial. The author considers that we can have an effective space defence system.
Ull mirant fixament

Eye contact can be used to establish and strengthen emotional bonds, but depending on the socio-cultural context, looking directly into another person's eyes can be very intimidating.

A year before his death, Galton wrote that only those with the best genes should reproduce (to have the best children, of course) and that the mentally deficient and short-tempered should be sterilised.
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