Gene Tierney was infected with rubella by a fan while she was pregnant. This story reminds us about the dangers of COVID-19 and the need to be vaccinated, even if we do not belong to a risk group.
[caption id="attachment_119749" align="alignleft" width="500"] Illustration: Anna Sanchis[/caption]
The past shapes the future but does not inspire it. Max Planck said that new scientific truths are not imposed by convincing old experts,
For there to be sound, there must be a vibrating source, a transmitting medium that propagates the vibration at a certain speed, and a receiver that is set into vibration when the wave arrives.
The year 2020 ended with a potential detection by the Breakthrough Listen project of an artificial signal coming from Proxima Centauri. But there was no indication of structure or modulation in the signal, no evidence that it carried any information.
Animal colourations and the patterns they generate provide some of the best examples of evolution by natural selection. One of the most studied aspects has been camouflage.
The author proposes to create the concept of «pre-scientific dissemination» to talk about scientific mysteries, enigmas, or hypotheses that could be confirmed or disproved by science.
The number of species catalogued as fluorescent increases each day, and UV lights can help us to find some that are only active during the night, generating a wide range of creative resources to photograph them.