The modest potato is a tuber of great nutritional value and it should be grown in our garden at least once in a while. Although we would need a big
«I am myself plus my circumstance, and if I do not save it, I cannot save myself», wrote Ortega y Gasset in Meditations on Quixote. Our most immediate biological «circumstance»
Once, to kick off a heated press conference, Henry Kissinger apparently said «I hope that you have the right questions to my answers». Perhaps the sentence
For this collaboration in the fall issue, we want to propose an activity to provide us with materials for the handicrafts made at
Especially during winter, the beauty of the artichoke plant, with great clear leaves, brightens and lightens up the garden. If we have enough
Mètode In other issues we discussed the possibility (or impossibility) of travelling faster than the speed of light. We saw that hyperdrive transport, by
Cortesia de Harvard College Observatory Harvard's «computers» in 1891. Williamina Fleming is standing in the centre of the image and Edward Pickering is on the left. Nowadays
Mètode Leonardo Torres Quevedo designed Ulia’s cableway in San Sebastián, which began working in 1907. Later, in 1916, the cable car of the Niagara Falls (Canada)
The history of human coexistence is the history of the freedom of the individuals and the individualities in which they are grouped. Freedom is an idea regarding the I-other pair,
ESA/Hubble & NASA Travelling at hyperluminal speeds would open to humanity the possibility of exploring the whole galaxy, and even, perhaps, other galaxies. In the image, the UGC 12158, photographed by
© Photo: Javier Díez ( Montage of the constellations: Fernando Ballesteros. The night sky from the Observatory of the University of Valencia in Aras de los Olmos. In the photograph we
Carles Puche The universe is full of gas clouds, dust and organic matter. Radiotelescopes have detected the presence of water and a great variety of organic molecules, essential pieces for the
Science and art are two forms of knowledge. Comparing one with the other is interesting both because of their similarities and their differences. Understanding is looking for what is common among
They say that, when the last Venera probe was launched with destination to Venus, two Spanish engineers of the National Institute for Aeroespace Technology were visiting the Bakionur Cosmodrome. One
Throughout the seventeenth century, public exhibitions of natural phenomena caused or discovered by scientists began to have a major social impact. Prints and paintings of that period show the public
[caption id="attachment_1705" align="alignleft" width="200"] © J. Wagensberg[/caption] Some ideas are born and germinate in the mind but remain there, under contemplation, never making it out into the world to be tested.
The sun formed about 5,000 million years ago. Since then it has been rotating around the Milky Way, which takes around 226 million years. The Sun, like many other stars,