Fotograma de la pel·lícula Memento

In Memento, Christopher Nolan used the same solution as nature did when it came to duplicating DNA millions of years before: he told Leonard's story cutting it in ten-minutes sections.
Paisatge desert amb cotxes apilats

The same will happen with fossil fuels as with the Decauville trains, which were scrapped when automobiles and roads appeared.

Since the late 1920s, a number of HIV vaccine strategies have been discarded, but research continues with phase I vaccine prototypes.
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There is a great diversity of organisms that have adapted to live among us. Not only arthropods, but also vertebrates such as geckos, bats, owls and, in some highly urbanised countries, even foxes, deer, and bears.
Xiquet menut

The covid-19 pandemic has altered the infection routines of other respiratory diseases and, in some cases, has made us more vulnerable. The ancestral method of immunisation in pre-vaccination times was, precisely, infection.
Fotograma de Tenet

Could there be a universe where the laws of physics were different and there was no second law of thermodynamics? Christopher Nolan's film Tenet (2020) explores this new reality.
grups sanguinis

We share blood groups A, B and O with other hominids, but only blood groups A and O with chimpanzees and group B with gorillas.

Humans are born rather undeveloped, compared to other species, which favours a better understanding of language and behaviour in society.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed them as «endangered». In particular, the West African subspecies – the one pictured here – is listed as «critically endangered».
pardal a un cementeri

It seems that the fear of death is not unique to our species. The responses of some animals in the face of death may be associated with emotions similar to those we experience when we bury our own.
Pila de Volta

History of the relationship between electric currents and magnetic phenomena.
materia obscura

The so-called basic emotions offer a quick and essentially automatic response to certain situations in life. All of them have their own evolutionary function, for example, fear keeps us away from certain dangers, and anger alerts us to a threat.

Joana d'Arc

For a long time, some scientists have believed that a person's physical attributes can provide information about their psychology or character.

The process that takes place when we cook on a barbecue is very similar to the one that occurs in our organism when we eat and digest food.

Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei is a natural treasure capable of thrilling any nature lover. Located in Namibia’s Namib-Naukluft National Park, it is guarded by some of the largest dunes on the planet.

Much of the plastic debris fractures into micro- or nanoparticles called microplastics that can be ingested by marine organisms.


The next time you find yourself near a barbecue, try to pay attention to what you see. It is a fascinating scientific process.


We could say that being human implies having a brain with human consciousness, but this definition has no discrete and precise boundaries.

The race to discover an exo-moon is nearing interesting times and a discovery might be just around the corner.

In resonance, the force transmitted to the object may be relatively small, but when it is transmitted with the right frequency, it oscillates with great amplitude.


Ants are as common as they are special. They can be found in nearly every corner of the Earth, and their ability to organise themselves is remarkable.


Epidemiological surveillance of viruses based on wastewater is a very useful tool for studying diseases, as is the case with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


Humans have a series of biases, including survivorship bias. Some of them seem to be adaptive, and others, limitations in our ability to assimilate information.


Associating feelings of pleasure with dopamine us a common mistake. The process involves many other elements. Humans permanently seek pleasure and the continuous generation of expectations, surprise, and desire.

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