The so-called basic emotions offer a quick and essentially automatic response to certain situations in life. All of them have their own evolutionary function, for example, fear keeps us away from certain dangers, and anger alerts us to a threat.
The process that takes place when we cook on a barbecue is very similar to the one that occurs in our organism when we eat and digest food.
Much of the plastic debris fractures into micro- or nanoparticles called microplastics that can be ingested by marine organisms.
The next time you find yourself near a barbecue, try to pay attention to what you see. It is a fascinating scientific process.
In resonance, the force transmitted to the object may be relatively small, but when it is transmitted with the right frequency, it oscillates with great amplitude.
Ants are as common as they are special. They can be found in nearly every corner of the Earth, and their ability to organise themselves is remarkable.
Epidemiological surveillance of viruses based on wastewater is a very useful tool for studying diseases, as is the case with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Humans have a series of biases, including survivorship bias. Some of them seem to be adaptive, and others, limitations in our ability to assimilate information.
Associating feelings of pleasure with dopamine us a common mistake. The process involves many other elements. Humans permanently seek pleasure and the continuous generation of expectations, surprise, and desire.