What challenges are awaiting science in the short and medium term, in technical, social and even ethical terms?
Maxwell Boykoff

When, where, why and under what conditions is climate change communicated? On 28 February at 19:00, Maxwell Boykoff will deliver a lecture at the La Nau Cultural Centre devoted to creativity and climate change communication.
Anunci del cicle de conferències en l'Escola de Pensament Europeu Lluís Vives

«The great challenges of science» begins on February 28 with a talk about climate change by Maxwell Boykoff.

Interview with Leo van Bergen, historian and military-medical expert, on the occasion of the centenary of Armistice Day, which marked the end of World War I.

Mètode's autumn issue tries to offer a general overview of the world of robotics and artificial intelligence from the point of view of six experts in the field.

Mètode, the research dissemination journal of the University of Valencia, has been awarded the Special Jury Prize in the XIX Ciencia en Acción competition for its «rigour and quality».

Artisan ice cream production is the result of the balanced contribution of many fields of science and requires in-depth knowledge in food science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, or nutrition.
Making Science anuari

The 2018 annual review focuses on future mathematical challenges, the palaeontological history of Homo sapiens, the delusions of pseudoscience and medical dissemination through literature.

The latest Mètode monograph shows the importance of communication and popularisation in the field of biotechnology.
Graham Bell

Interview with Dr. Graham Bell, Professor of Evolution at McGill University (Montréal) and one of the most important voices in the academic field of evolutionary biology.
Mètode 96, Narrating health.

The new Mètode monograph, Narrating health, shows the different ways in which the literature connects medicine and health.
Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein/ Wikimedia

Mileva Maric was a notorious mathematician and Einstein's first wife. Although her figure is not well known, there is a big debate regarding her role in Einstein's Nobel Prize for Physics.
The presence of women in scientific careers is more and more significant every day. / Pixabay

Obstacles, virtues and experiences derived from being a woman in science.

According to the astrophysicist and communicator Javier Armentia, supermoons do not really exist. As he explains, the term is not astronomical, but vulgar astrology.
Photo: Concha Molina

«Pseudosciences are by-products of the prestige of science as a social enterprise and as a means of obtaining knowledge. Their character is inherently negative, given that, by definition, a pseudoscience is an intellectual fraud». Thus begins monograph 95 of Mètode, coordinated by Angelo Fasce.

Valencia's importance in the old Silk Road has helped the city to become a participant in the UNWTO Silk Road Programme, an initiative that joins territories and research projects from Japan to Portugal. Experts take the opportunity to remember and promote Valencian landscape and historical and artistic heritage.
When wildfires burn - front cover

Fire has been a defining element in the formation of human societies. Then, why is seen as an alien element in our society? A look back to Mètode's issue dedicated to wildfires.


Journalist Bievenido León comments on the monograph Living with climate change, published on spring 2015, and dedicated to the cultural challenges proposed by this global change.

To celebrate 25 years of Mètode, Vicenç M. Rosselló recovers The enchanted cove, a study of the science and culture surrounding Mediterranean coves, published in summer 2012.

Mètode Science Studies Journal publishes the 2017 annual review, under the title Unravelling science. The seventh issue of this English language publication focuses on the secrets of neuroscience, the connection


Domingo Pujante reflects on Mètode’s monograph Itinerancy (spring 2014) dedicated to the processes of human and animal mobility in the search of the best chances for survival and safety.


The environment and biodiversity have been central issues for Mètodeduring these 25 years dedicated to the dissemination of science, along with environmental communication.

On the occasion of Mètode's 25th anniversary, we bring back issue number 80, dedicated to the current situation of science communication in written press and its next challenges for the next few years.
Recreation of the Trappist-1 system

Before using conditionals and speculating, we need to set some bases. Let us start with the most basic: what is an exoplanet?
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