Maxwell Boykoff opens the series «The great challenges of science» with a lecture on climate change
The ceremony, on the occasion of Mètode’s 100 issue, will be held at the La Nau Cultural Centre of the University of Valencia on February 28
The professor of the University of Colorado-Boulder Maxwell Boykoff will open the series «Els grans reptes de la ciència» (The great challenges of science) with the lecture Creative (Climate) Communications, on Thursday 28 February at 19:00 in the Main Hall of the La Nau Cultural Centre of the University of Valencia. Maxwell Boykoff, an expert in climate change communication and director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado-Boulder (USA), will focus his talk on the new creative ways to communicate effectively on climate change.
Maxwell Boykoff is also the director of the Media and Climate Change Observatory and the co-director of the Inside the Greenhouse project, an initiative to promote an original approach to the communication of climate change among the students of the University of Colorado-Boulder. In this lecture, Maxwell Boykoff presents some aspects of his latest book, Creative (Climate) Communications (2019), in which he tries to answer the questions of when, where, why and under what conditions climate change is communicated. In times when conversations about climate change between science and politics have stalled, understanding, analysing, and evaluating the efforts that take advantage of creativity can help us to answer these questions.
The lecture is free and open to the public with limited capacity and simultaneous translation will be available.
The series of lectures «The great challenges of science» is organised by the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives along with Mètode on the occasion of the 100 issues of the journal of the University of Valencia dedicated to the dissemination of science. The series is part of the programme that the Centre Cultural La Nau of the University of Valencia has organised on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, coinciding also with the 520th anniversary of the University of Valencia.
The next lecture in the series will be on March 26 by Carme Torras and will focus on the ethical challenges raised by the current development of artificial intelligence.