The mechanism that produces white hair is not well known. It is very likely, although not definitely proven, due to the oxidation of melanin caused by the aging of the hair follicle cells.
There are numerous causes for eye redness, and many of them are not serious. Begoña Domenech Amigot, professor of the Department of Optics, Pharmacology, and Anatomy of the University of Alacant, explains.
Clouds are formed by condensation of air vapour in the atmosphere. Despite their simple, smooth and generally graceful appearance and their varied
Darwin is credited with the opinion that crying only lubricates the eye, but today it is accepted that it has an intrapersonal and an interpersonal function.
The sclera, known for its color as «the white part of the eye», is an opaque, resistant, and fibrous membrane that covers part of the eyeball, giving it shape and protecting its interior.
According to the astrophysicist and communicator Javier Armentia, supermoons do not really exist. As he explains, the term is not astronomical, but vulgar astrology.
We call a mirage seeing objects where they are not. It is an optical illusion that can be seen on very hot days and in places like deserts. Inmaculada Pascual Villalobos explains this and tells us about the «Fata Morgana» effect.