2020's volume focuses on the challenges of science, forensic sciences, the involvement of the scientific community in Nazism, and the different evolutionary scenarios that help us understand biodiversity.
How long will humans live in the future? Humans as a species are programmed to live over 100 years, and are even considered to be capable of living up to 120 years.
Auroras originate in the Sun. The star continuously emits particles which, when solar activity is high, reach the Earth's atmosphere in the form of large bursts of solar wind.
A principis del segle XX, va començar a sorgir la idea d’un «cinema amb olors». Malgrat els nombrosos intents de portar els olors a les pel·lícules, aquests no van acabar de funcionar perquè la mida de les sales provocava que les olors es perderen o no donaren efecte al moment desitjat.