Scott C. Ratzan: «Health communication does not consist only in designing a web or writing a blog»

We interviewed Scott. C. Ratzan, PHD in Medicine and a Masters in Public Administration.

The call for submissions for the Mètode Science Studies Journal winter monograph, which will focus on twenty-first century astrophysics, will remain open until July


Mètode SSJ, the science communication journal of the University of Valencia, opened a new channel in April in order to keep contact with the


Mètode Science Studies Journal, published by the University of Valencia, publishes its 2016 issue, Science grid: The public understanding of science. The sixth issue of

José Tuells: «Vaccines save three million lives every year»

We talked to José Tuells, the director of the Balmis Vaccinology Chair of the University of Alacant.
«El Jardí Animat», a book to enjoy plants

Thanks to a close collaboration between Mètode and the Education Unit of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia, we published, at the beginning

The bacteria hiding in a Nespresso machine

A study published in Scientific Reports signed by Cristina Vilanova, Alba Iglesias and Manel Porcar, researchers of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the University of Valencia, focuses for the first time on the container for empty Nespresso capsules to show how the liquid that accumulates there is a world inhabited by bacterial life.
Consuelo Guerri: «I do not want to be better than men, I want equality»

[English subtitles are not yet available for this video.] Descobreix amb Mètode TV el projecte Ciència amb veu de dona.

Scientific research on the radio

[Subtitles for this video are not yet available.]

Travelling with Darwin

What do we know of his travel? What did it mean for young Darwin? What, for the history of science?