
El que observem des de la Terra és la llum ens arriba de punts de l’Univers tan distants a nosaltres que han necessitat tot aquest temps per arribar.

Monograph 101 delves into forensic science and its contribution to historical memory.

The exhibition «Mètode: 100 volumes of science» offers to the visitors the chance to participate in the contest «Your whys and wherefores», which will draw five annual subscriptions to the journal (only in Spanish or Catalan).

The yearly journal of 2019 focuses on the need for better and more extensive communication of biotechnology and its advancements, biodiversity as a dynamic concept, and the relations between machines and humans in the twenty-first century.

What challenges are awaiting science in the short and medium term, in technical, social and even ethical terms?
Maxwell Boykoff

When, where, why and under what conditions is climate change communicated? On 28 February at 19:00, Maxwell Boykoff will deliver a lecture at the La Nau Cultural Centre devoted to creativity and climate change communication.
Anunci del cicle de conferències en l'Escola de Pensament Europeu Lluís Vives

«The great challenges of science» begins on February 28 with a talk about climate change by Maxwell Boykoff.

Mètode's autumn issue tries to offer a general overview of the world of robotics and artificial intelligence from the point of view of six experts in the field.

Mètode, the research dissemination journal of the University of Valencia, has been awarded the Special Jury Prize in the XIX Ciencia en Acción competition for its «rigour and quality».

In human beings, it is very difficult to discern what is learned and what is innate in our behaviour. Despite this, the rejection most human adults feel from snakes might be an instinct inherited from our ancestors.