Science grid: The public understanding of science


portadaMETODESSJ-2016Mètode Science Studies Journal, published by the University of Valencia, publishes its 2016 issue, Science grid: The public understanding of science. The sixth issue of the journal, published yearly in English language, focuses on evolutionary biology, health communication, climate change and the rhetoric of science, with four monographs coordinated by experts and researchers in each field.

The journal collects also other documents to reflect and analyse scientific topics such as science history, ethnobotany or scientific journalism, among others. Regarding the cover, Mètode SSJ had the collaboration of Oliver Johnson and his «Colour composition» series, where the artist explores colour and the limits of pictorial art using different creative processes. The composition of the work depends on different factors such as repetition, continuity, chaos and change.

Mètode Science Studies Journal is completely open access and is included in several indexes and databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar, ERIH Plus and Latindex, among others.

© Mètode 2016.

Check the full issue of Mètode Science Studies Journal here:

© Mètode 2016