A ‘rara avis’ among science communication journals

portadaanuariLaura Sanantonio Crespo

After Scopus’s Content Selection & Advisory Board notified the inclusion of Mètode Science Studies Journal in their database, we asked the members of our scientific advisory board for some words about their experience with Mètode. Now you can read some of the opinions:

Scientific board

«As a person who was born when Europe groaned under the evils of dictatorship and war, I feel hugely privileged to write for Mètode, showing that the human
spirit will never be crushed and that my generation can now hand over to future
generations the challenges and joys of sharing ideas with peoples of all nations,
whatever their sex, creed, color or other differences that make being alive such
a wonderful experience
.» (Michael Ruse, Florida State University)

«Metode is a rare example of an interdisciplinary journal that actually works:
science is constructively related to wider society and the arts in a way that is
invariably enlightening
.» (Richard Fortey, Natural History Museum, London)

«The variety of topics covered by Mètode never fails to surprise me, and the
quality of the writing and production never disappoints.  Without doubt, it is
one of Europe’s premier scientific magazines
.» (Mark Harrison, University of Oxford)

«Beautifully produced in full colour, Mètode appeals to large interdisciplinary audiences with its accessible yet scholarly accounts of science in its broadest interpretation. By publishing in both English and Catalan, Mètode makes a political statement about the international significance of Catalonia.» (Patricia Fara, University of Cambridge)

«That is good news for a journal that comes across very impressive. It displays
a confident mixture between scientific content and appeal to the reader Mètode is a good example of modern science rhetoric
.» (Martin Bauer, Public Understanding of Science, London School of Economics)

«Mètode is a wonderful source of insights into contemporary science – just the kind of journal that scientists and laymen should all read.» (Robin Dunbar, University of Oxford)

© Mètode 2015.



© Mètode 2015