Fernando Ballesteros discusses the discovery of phosphine on Venus and other historical hypotheses regarding signs of life on other planets.
Cartografia de la COVID-19

Through several maps, the text shows COVID-19's cartography and analyses the environmental factors that may have contributed to its spread.
science covid-19

Those of us who are dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge must make intelligent use of its contingent and provisional nature, to promote the idea that what may appear to be weaknesses are, in fact, the features that allow scientific knowledge to progress and be disruptive.
cover trump pandemics management

The problem with the handling of COVID-19 in the United States has been more political than public health-related. When a country has a president who «didn’t know» and thought that «most people didn’t know» that the flu can kill people, what can be expected in terms of the handling of a pandemic?
Anthony Fauci pandemics metaphors

Early criticism of COVID-19 rhetoric cautions against the use of war metaphors that can shift us toward authoritarian and nationalistic sentiment, evoking xenophobia and racism.
coronavirus fake news

Most of the fake news that circulated on the web before this pandemic concerned health and became far more widespread than the real news. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has escalated with the global COVID-19 crisis.
illustration threat coronavirus global pandemic

At the time of publication of this issue, we are incredulously, insecurely, and helplessly witnessing a situation only comparable to that experienced in both twentieth-century World Wars. A global pandemic, which has once again placed the human species before a scenario that is as unprecedented and unknown as it is unpredictable.
image SARS-COV-2

We need to rethink many aspects of our daily lives, of our values, of our economic and cultural practices; in short, of our coexistence with the rest of nature and, especially, of our respect for non-human animals.
medical staff coronavirus response

In addition to protective isolation, enhanced medical capacity, safer sociality and health oriented economic stimulus, we will need to turn our hearts, hands, and minds to reweaving and strengthening the complex and vital social web.

National Socialism came to power by following the electoral strategy of a popular party, but with the support of extremely well-educated militant elites.


Quality research is – and will always be – one of the hallmarks of the University of Valencia. But, in addition, we believe that dissemination and popularisation can help deepen the exchange of wisdom and ideas, which are the basis of the knowledge society.


Good medical practice is always linked to scientific evidence. In line with this axiom, the public health administration, as the responsible party and guarantor of the right to health, is required to combat practices that violate this inalienable principle.
Kepler 62f

Since the first worlds were found orbiting other stars in the 1990s, in barely two decades, more than three thousand extrasolar planets have been found.

I write this article in the midst of a controversy among Spanish scientists regarding an alleged fraud in the works of one of them. If the accusations were true, published

Jocelyn Bell

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The day 11 February 2016 will be difficult to forget for the members of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia. Three major events took place at

Make the University visible

[caption id="attachment_47319" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo: TAU. Audiovisual Workshop of the University of Valencia[/caption] One of the most essential goals of the University of Valencia is promoting prestigious research with international impact to


The disappearance of Oliver Sacks on 30 August 2015 marked the end of an era. His final farewell represented the loss of a great figure, an immensely influential voice truncated.

Climate change constitutes the greatest environmental threat humanity will face in the coming decades. A verifiable piece of information is the fact that the planet’s average temperature has increased almost


Hunc igitur terrorem animi tenebrasque necessest […] sed naturae especies ratioque.1 Titus Lucretius Carus. De rerum natura, Liber tertius: 91-93 I always found these verses by Lucretius following his praise of Epicurus, «honour


In 2012, the Royal Statistical Society issued the following question to the members of the British Parliament, probably regarding the International Year of Statistics (2013): «If you toss a coin twice,

Scientists of letters? Of Course!

Scientists are used to write, whether for the purposes of taking notes of our observations, experiments or intuitions (notes which are later on consulted and need to be decipherable by the


In 2003, European Union (EU) countries devoted an average of 1.9% of their GDP to research and technological development (RTD), while the USA and Japan were closer to 3%. The

Communicating medicine

A sad end has the most robust health, continuously spurring sickness on, which lives near, with just a wall separating them. Aeschylus, Agamemnon [caption id="attachment_13663" align="alignleft" width="150"] Esteban Morcillo / Photo:


The beginning of science is uncertainty. Many people, however, including scientists, look in science for a system of certainties thus fleeing the unrest that comes hand in hand with questions

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