Mètode 104

«The plants of the future», new Mètode monograph

The monograph, coordinated by José Pío Beltrán, CSIC research professor at the Institute for Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSIC-UPV), analyses biotechnological advances in plant production.

Text - food and population increase

Will science feed us all?

These are just a few examples of how an increase in the generation of energy and food, per se, might not address the needs of the population which is in fact still growing.


Food and nutrition myths

We now have more information than ever about nutrition. But, at the same time, we have great difficulties to identify reliable information and, above all, to understand the limitations of science to answer so many of the questions that we make ourselves about how the food we eat and the food we avoid affects our health.


An ice cream with a science topping

Artisan ice cream production is the result of the balanced contribution of many fields of science and requires in-depth knowledge in food science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, or nutrition.

Photo: Pixabay

The kidnapping of words in nutrition

We have to resort to less comfortable and more tangled phrases such as raw material or unprocessed product, because we run the risk that the next time we tell our patients to eat «natural products», they end up buying broth, refined bread or juice.


Why do stomachs growl?

It is important not to overeat food items such as legumes and vegetables, fruits such as pears or plums, dairy products such as milk or cheese, and also products like bread or cereals, with whole grains such as wheat or rye.


Why does bread harden and biscuits soften over time?

María Soledad Prats Moya, from the Departament de Química Analítica, Nutrició i Bromatologia of the Universitat d’Alacant, explains.


Algae: Vegetables of the sea

Algae can be sustainably grown in large quantities in seas and oceans. That is the reason why many believe that in the future they will constitute an important part of food consumption in the world, and that they will alleviate world hunger.


Why is palm oil harmful?

Palm oil is a plant oil consisting on saturated fats, which increase cholesterol and cardiovascular risks.


Why can we drink ethanol but not methanol?

FERNANDO SAPIÑA answers: In our everyday life, we have contact mainly with one type of alcohol: ethanol. It is the liquid we use as disinfectant for our wounds, due to its antiseptic properties. In addition, we consume drinks with this substance, as is the case with