periodisme científic

Science makes scientific journalism work difficult

Current science leads us to pajama dissemination, to write about stories without ever leaving our homes.


Pseudoscience and bad science in biomedicine

Pseudoscience (false science) and science based on faulty and biased studies (bad science) produce false or uncertain knowledge, with poor or no evidence.


The challenges of science communication

On the occasion of Mètode's 25th anniversary, we bring back issue number 80, dedicated to the current situation of science communication in written press and its next challenges for the next few years.

Cover image - number 88

A commitment to health

In the winter of 2015/16, Mètode devoted a monograph to health communication, specially focusing on the role played by mass media in issues such as sanitary crisis, the stigmatization of some illness or public health campaigns.

Debate at the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Valencia

The mathematics media blackout

The journalists José Martí and Javier del Pino analyse media coverage of the discipline during the debate «How mathematics are seen from the other side».

Pere Estupinyà

Interview with Pere Estupinyà

Science communicator, writer and public speaker. That is how Pere Estupinyà (Tortosa, 1974) describes himself. He is also known as «the sex scientist».


Astronomy and space on the big screen

The existence of habitable extra solar planets, is nothing new in science fiction cinema. Perhaps more interesting is the existence of unusual planets, such as the planet Tatooine from Star Wars (1977), by George Lucas, that orbits a binary star system.

COP Paris

Communicating climate change

In early February, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) organised a meeting in Oslo with the goal of improving the effectiveness and impact of their communication actions. During 9 and 10 February, this organism gathered around fifty experts from the communication, politics, business and

health communication

Analysis of health communication texts

Conventionally, social researchers analyse media messages by reading text and coding it. This is time consuming and restricts many studies to small samples. Nowadays very large amounts of text are available in electronic form, offering potential insights into the health messages they contain, but which

Intagram, health and social media

Youth, health and social networks

Communication is key in the field of health. Including communication tools such as Instagram in youth health fieldwork poses a number of challenges, but also has the potential for social health research.