Biodiversity in the city, a necessary challenge?

Laura Villoria Parc de la Rambleta, in the San Marcelino neighbourhood in Valencia, is a reference for the conservation of local biodiversity. The climate change, pollution, deforestation or the loss of biodiversity are phenomena that have, for some time, been taken into account in the preparation of



In a group of islets in the North of Madagascar, a hitherto unknown chameleon species has been found whose adults barely reach 3 cm in length. This minuscule chameleon has the same bone arrangement as any gigantic crocodile.


Protecting Biodiversity

The global debate on biodiversity has inevitably led us to consider traditional knowledge of plants, ethnobotany’s basic corpus, as an inseparable part of this discipline. This fact was amply recognised by the Convention on Biodiversity. Furthermore, ethnobotanical knowledge can and should be used to achieve sustainable development that is compatible with the conservation of biodiversity.

Found well

Found well

In September of 2011 the 6th Science Centre World Congress was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Some of the participants, among which I was, had the privilege to make a four day visit to Welgevonden Park (meaning found well in Afrikaans).


Glowing Figs

The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) —figuera in Catalan, higuera in Spanish, figuier in French and fico in Italian—, is a tortuous branch tree with profitable fruits. It is odorous and generally small, although some specimens can reach up to five metres of height and of crown width. Its leaves, palmately shaped, deciduous and lobulated, are rough to the touch.

Edward O. Wilson

Interview with Edward O. Wilson

Edward O. Wilson has been fascinated by nature ever since he was a child. He cannot imagine anything more amusing or appealing than the study of the complexity of any ecosystem on Earth. Some years ago, when he was a lecturer at Harvard University, Wilson used to tell his students to go for walk in campus and take a look at the ground.