More biodiversity to improve our health

Contact with nature generates measurable benefits for people’s psychological and physiological health.

Mètode 114 One health: un món, una salut

Introduction: One health, one world

Although a One Health perspective has, in one way or another, been around at least since the time of Hippocrates, the term itself was coined by William Karesh in a 2003 The Washington Post article. Since that time, the concept has been discussed, applied, and


Life adapted to precariousness

Drylands contain great biodiversity. Their extension is growing due to climate change, so it is more and more essential to get to know more about them.


The «other» wildlife

Our empathy for other organisms decreases the further they are removed from us on the tree of life. Photography can change this perception.

Valenciolenda fadaforesta

The underground world, a source of biodiversity

The description of the «Valencian wood fairy» or Valenciolenda fadaforesta (Hoch & Sendra), a new species and genus, was recently published.


Rewilding Patagonia

Pere Estupinyà narrates his journey into Patagonia, where the Rewilding foundation develops conservation projects.


The hat

The hat connect with our complacency in the face of global biodiversity loss and habitat fragmentation.

espècies bioactives

Saving the pharmacy of the sea

Vulnerable species with bioactive potential must be protected because they are a potential source of molecules with pharmacological properties.


Editorial no. 103

The contents of issue 103 of Mètode are devoted to the evolutionary scenarios to decode biodiversity.

daisy cancer plants

Diverse ways to think about cancer

Exploring the diversity of ways in which different organisms cope with it can lend us novel insights on the biodiversity that surrounds us.