Under the title Shades of science, Mètode Science Studies Journal publishes its 2020 issue. This is the tenth volume of the publication, which brings together the four monographs published over the past year, coordinated by experts in each of the subjects. The new issue focuses on the important challenges that science will face in the short and medium term, forensic sciences and their contribution to historical memory, the involvement of the scientific community in Third Reich policy, and the different evolutionary scenarios that help us understand biodiversity.
Mètode SSJ also includes other reflection and analysis papers that offer a plurality of perspectives and contribute to a better understanding of the complexity of science. This is the case of Alan Esterson’s text on the role of Mileva Marić, Albert Einstein’s first wife, in the work of the scientist, as well as an opinion text by Christian Ingrao about the position of cultural and scientific elites during the Nazi period.
On this occasion, the new volume of Mètode SSJ has the collaboration of the Valencian artist José Saborit. The cover presents the work Seeing the green, a proposal that is in line with his current work and plays with the limits between abstraction and the figurative representation of nature and landscape. The volume also features artists Manuel Sáez, Alex Francés, and José Soler Vidal, better known as Monjalés, who illustrate each monograph.
Mètode Science Studies Journal, which can be consulted in its entirety in open access, is included in various indexes and databases such as Scopus, the Emerging Sources Citation Index, Google Scholar, ERIH Plus, and Latindex, among others.