Sciencie’s structure is the title of the 2021 volume of Mètode Science Studies Journal. Volume number eleven of this English-language publication brings together the four monographs published over 2020, focusing on topics such as biotechnology, food and nutrition, and the impact of global change on the oceans, and coordinated by experts in the different fields. The new journal focuses on identifying science as the only possible answer to all the uncertainties of the present and the challenges of the future. Thus, Science’s structure focuses on the creation of a sustainable and local model of society to deal with the consequences of climate change and our hyperglobalised world.
The annual review also features articles by authors who observe and analyse reality through different disciplines and help to find answers to complex and varied issues through science, such as Big Data and its application in everyday life, or the use of visual metaphors to communicate the COVID-19 crisis through illustrations.
The new issue of Mètode SSJ features the collaboration of Valencian artist Javier Calvo Maiques. The front and back covers present the work Return to Ithaca, a sample of his work, defined by geometric abstraction and a risky use of colour. The volume also features artists such as José Saborit, José María Molina, and Garcia Bel, who have illustrated the monographs with their works. On the other hand, classic works by authors such as René Magritte, Maurits Cornelis Escher, Andy Warhol, or Francis Bacon have also been recovered to illustrate some of the texts.
Mètode Science Studies Journal, which is fully available in open access, is included in several international indexes and databases such as Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Google Scholar, ERIH Plus, and Latindex, among others.