Metode looks at the use of storytelling in science in its new issue
Monograph 119 explores how stories can help communicate and popularise science

Stories have accompanied humankind since the beginning. The new issue of Metode focuses on storytelling as a tool for science communication. Coordinated by Bienvenido León, Professor of Science Communication at the University of Navarra (Spain), the monograph «#Storytelling: Science through stories» presents the use of stories in science from different perspectives, from new technologies or their application in teaching to the role of narrative in the history of science and scientific development.
Contributors include Hilda Paola Muñoz-Pico (International University of Ecuador); Daniel Gamito-Marques (Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal); Aleida Rueda, Cecilia Rosen and Javier Crúz-Mena (National University of Mexico); and Wiebke Finkler, Lloyd Spencer Davis, Diane Ruwhiu, Loic Li, Nikki Lloyd, Nicola Beatson and Lei Zhu, all from the University of Otago (New Zealand).
The issue also features the collaboration of Catalan artist and photographer Joan Fontcuberta, author of the artwork illustrating the cover and inside dividers of the issue, all part of the series «De rerum natura».
Exploring different fields
The new issue also explores the study of past weather events, the conservation of the Amazon, the unknown fauna of deserts and the hemp industry in the Pyrenees, as well as ethnobotanical curiosities about pomegranates. The journal also includes an in-depth interview with the biologist Loeske Kruuk, Professor of Biology at the University of Edinburgh, a specialist in the evolutionary and ecological processes of wild animal populations.
As usual, Metode closes the issue with editorial recommendations and the usual articles by its contributors, including Ramon Folch, Xurxo Mariño, Esther Samper, Alma Bracho, Pere Estupinyà, Ester Desfilis and Roberto García Roa.