Out of 1,600 craters in total, only 28 have a woman's name. The book calls attention to this and pays homage to these often forgotten historical figures.
Neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 1986. She was member of the United States National Academy of Sciences and Goodwill Ambassador of the (FAO), and she created a foundation to help African women and girls to study.
Women have been traditionally excluded from the public sphere – education, politics, art and culture – and confined to the domestic sphere. This situation has experimented a slow steady change in different areas since the late modern period. A more liberal society has allowed the progressive incorporation of women to public life.
Women remained invisible in health sciences until the late twentieth century because they were not included in the cohorts used in researched studies. Thanks to the work done by different groups of feminist researchers, we were able to visualise the need to change those paradigms.
We meet Londa Schiebinger in Paris after her participation in the 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, organised by the French National Centre for Scientific Research. Since 2011, this researcher and professor of History of Science of Stanford University (California, United States)
Women make up the majority of the university students at the beginning, but are progressively overtaken by their male colleagues, until they become an invisible minority in the highest levels of the system.
With the title of this monograph, SheScience, we want to delve on these two aspects. We are committed to science done by women in the same numbers and hierarchy as men, and to science that reveals differential characteristics between women and men, and those other aspects that are specific to women. Both often ignored.
The general model for evaluating scientific production fits into the accountability system: a way of measuring scientific output which does not usually acknowledge the presence of gender imbalances in academic institutions. Here we take the need to rethink this system and the indicators it uses
We analyse the situation of women in science, the effects of androcentric biases in research, and the potential changes that would come with more inclusive practices.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The day 11 February 2016 will be difficult to forget for the members of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia. Three major events took place at the same time to make it an ever-remembered day. First, one of the most important